Thankfully September has come to an end…

 o/Loren succumbs to the lure of Chaos...Yeah, September wasn't a good month for me. It started out alright, however at about the week following my last post a coworker who thought he 'just had a cold' instead gave me covid. Which I in turn gave to my fiancĂ©, who...

Thankfully September has come to an end…

 o/Loren succumbs to the lure of Chaos...Yeah, September wasn't a good month for me. It started out alright, however at about the week following my last post a coworker who thought he 'just had a cold' instead gave me covid. Which I in turn gave to my fiancĂ©, who...

Sikh & Destroy (Part 2)

 o/The guy kneeling in back will actually be the loader for my already painted LMG gunner.Coming on the heels of assembling the last of my 30k Blood Angel infantry (still have a Kratos to go), I've been assembling my Sikhs for Bolt Action this week. I've had a...

My Inquisitorial Retinue is done!

 o/But who's retinue are they?With these four, I'm calling my participation in this year's Inquisitorial Conclave complete. Originally, these guys were to be Inquisitor Tibadaux's retinue of liberated miners. However, with one guy sleeveless, and the other...

Filling out the officer corps…

...not for any of the same factions mind you. This is kindova shotgun blast of random post covering the various army, or rather 'contingent' commanders that I've painted here of late. As you can see in the pic above, two are for Imperial loyalist factions. One...