2022 Inquisitorial Conclave post #1

 o/I had to 'rearm' this mini as the china-cast arms kept breaking during assembly.Hello folks. It's time for another of Neverness' Inquisitorial Conclaves where bloggers get together and pledge to paint Inquisitors and their assorted cronies and hangers-on for...

WIP Ordo Hereticus Rhino

Nothing strikes fear into the hearts of the Imperium's enemies like....lavender?This is the last of the Rhinos gifted (along with so much else) to me way back when by Kushial. This is the blue Rhino in the pic below (that Landraider can be seen here).  The...

The Last 3 IG

 o/This Cadian still stands...It's been a month since my last post, probably the longest gap within the lifespan of this here blog. That's not without good reason though, I've been in the process of moving. I lived in my prior house for just short of 20 years and...

To battle once more!

 Not sure what's more ominous, the approaching Deathwatch marines, or Neverness himself looming above them!There's been VERY little hobby time here of late. Indeed, I didn't stop working around the yard/house, and on packing stuff up last night till I realized it...

Objectives secured and a bit of nostalgia.

You can buy these here. They will likely be my last eBay purchase before I move. Sizing up at about 40mm in diameter, 1/16th to 1/8th thick, laser cut brushed steel, yes they're a bit pricey but oh so nice! I went with the generic Aquila design, because the Tau...