To battle once more!

 Not sure what's more ominous, the approaching Deathwatch marines, or Neverness himself looming above them!There's been VERY little hobby time here of late. Indeed, I didn't stop working around the yard/house, and on packing stuff up last night till I realized it...

Objectives secured and a bit of nostalgia.

You can buy these here. They will likely be my last eBay purchase before I move. Sizing up at about 40mm in diameter, 1/16th to 1/8th thick, laser cut brushed steel, yes they're a bit pricey but oh so nice! I went with the generic Aquila design, because the Tau...

Silver Drakes Sergeant

On my signal, unleash hell...A few months back, I bought a squad of assembled and (mostly) base coated silver Intercessors to serve as reinforcements for my Silver Drakes due to my Ultramarines army having substantially depleted the Drakes' numbers. Naturally though,...

Ultramarine Primaris Ancient & Friends are complete

 o/To quote Neverness who saw a preview of this model:'That's the face of a guy who stares down Greater Daemons!'Well these three were a bit of a slog, especially after the Banner scroll debacle. Said debacle delayed this post by about a week, indeed my prior...

Primaris Intercessor painting continues…

I really ought to get back to that DKK diorama, but momentum and all that... Ready for inking.With two back-to-back games of 40k fielding my Ultramarines vs. Neverness, I've been (slowly) working on getting more of my army painted up. As such, in between those...