New Year New Results: Warhammer 40k Tournament Results

Top 10th edition Warhammer 40k ITC army lists from the largest ITC tournaments from the past weekend. Week 25 of the Pariah Season. The post New Year New Results: Warhammer 40k Tournament Results appeared first on The Blood of Kittens Network.


Another addition to the backlog in the gallery. This time a model completed in 2019. "Snorri" in 54mm scale from Nocturna Models.Kolejne uzupełnienie zaległości w galerii. Tym razem model ukończony w 2019 roku. "Snorri" w skali 54mm od Nocturna...

Otty’s Tyranids

Afternoon #Warhammer Community Marc wanted more pictures of Otty's nids, so here we are: I like big bugs and I cannot lie.Or bigger!Little bugs are cool too, but so are those converted Hive Tyrants.A plethora of Warriors.Carnifex.A tide of gaunts.An endless...

Monster Tauros done

A new year has begun and I really would have liket to finish this model before Christmas, as it was almost done. However, a lot of other things came in-between, and the hobby time I did manage to spend really did not lead up to anything worth postning so far (mostly...