Never tell me the odds!

 o/No, this isn't another Star Wars Legion post. Rather for the second time now I've won an NOCF charity raffle! Ya know, I had been donating to these raffle for years to no avail. Only about $15-$20 at a time and win or not, its always for a good...

Wargames Exclusive’s Thank You Miniature

 o/Easily the coolest postcard that I've gotten in a long, long while!Long time no post. Life is busy, been painting Battletech, blah, know, the typical real life TM getting in the way kinda thing. I'm still here though and recently received a...

Skitarii Color scheme change and another Surprise!

 o/As my IG Conscript platoon is/was starting to become a mind numbing slog, I decided to paint something else to break up the monotony. Pleased with the recent performance of my little Admech contingent's debut (before getting all but wiped off of the table), I...