These little guys again?

 Yeah, not everything measures up to a Space Marine.  This week my new Zombiesmith boxed game arrived! This time with the Quar in (semi) multi-part plastic minis rather than metal, huzzah! Produced by Wargames Atlantic, I've been waiting quite awhile...

These little guys again?

 Yeah, not everything measures up to a Space Marine.  This week my new Zombiesmith boxed game arrived! This time with the Quar in (semi) multi-part plastic minis rather than metal, huzzah! Produced by Wargames Atlantic, I've been waiting quite awhile...

Never tell me the odds!

 o/No, this isn't another Star Wars Legion post. Rather for the second time now I've won an NOCF charity raffle! Ya know, I had been donating to these raffle for years to no avail. Only about $15-$20 at a time and win or not, its always for a good...

Da Groop’s ARRRRRR Support!

 o/Da Stooka!It's here! It's here! Perhaps this will shake off my 10th ed 40k malaise? We'll see. I've heard mostly good things, but not really interested in bothering with it at the moment. But that's not why you're here.No, you're here to see a photo dump of my...

Traveling to the Galaxy’s Edge

 o/An AT-AT, from the infantry's perspective...Nope, no painting from me here of late. Last week I was on my honeymoon in Orlando and after spending most of the week with Mickey, we rounded out our stay with a visit to Disney's Hollywood Studios, mainly to visit...