Old World Shenanigans

Despite my best of intentions, I've been pretty lazy with posting so far this year. January is usually quite a productive month for me, as I normally work a bit less as things calm down from the Christmas rush, but it turned out to be an unexpectedly busy month...

Bonefields – Characters

Following on from my earlier post on Macrocosm's upcoming Bonefields release, I've been beavering away on some more of the new range. First up is this fantastic goblin vampire. I don't recall ever seeing a goblin vampire before (gobpire? Vamplin?) but Alessio Cisbani...

Warmaster: Goblins and Wolves!

Here are the Goblin Wolf riders and Wolf Chariots finally completed:And also a shot of the entire force as it stands! My client has picked up a Giant and some Rock lobbers which i will be picking up next week to paint. I'm pleased with how the force has turned out, it...