Necromunda: Gang Roundup

With the new Van Saars being teased last week I decided to get all my gangers together for a photo session. The new box set got me set up with both Eschers and Goliaths, both gangs that appealed to me the least in the last couple iterations of the game. The...

Paint Table Saturday

It's assembly table Saturday this week. I took a trip over to the new Warhammer store in Layton to check it out and ended up leaving with Gang War II and the Orlock box set.First thing I decide to do was convert an Orlock leader with a meltagun and an eye patch.Happy...

Necromunda: Opening Exchanges

We'd had a week or so to prepare, and now it was time to see how this new edition of Necromunda actually played!Last Monday I had a day off, so Bull and I arranged to have a gaming day. We managed to get three games in as well as the post game bits. I'd brought my new...

Necromunda 2018 Begins

When it was announced that GW were re-releasing Necromunda, Bull and I were very excited. We had played a campaign many years ago, Bull having played several in the past with many fond memories. The release of (essentially) a board game version came as a bit of a...
Orlock Necromunda Gang

Orlock Necromunda Gang

Here's a bit of a random throwback - my old Orlock Necromunda gang. And when I say old - I mean it...I started playing Necromunda when it was initially released back around '95 (jeez...almost 20 years ago...) and had the plastic Orlacks that came in the boxed set -...