My Current Hero

My Current Hero

Infinity can have all sorts of unsung heroes. Since every model has that small chance to crit, it's not too rare to see a Fusilier take out a TAG over the course of a game. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, it's amazingly fun.That said, some units can be real...
Favorite Miniatures – Infinity Edition

Favorite Miniatures – Infinity Edition

So a reader and blogger far more recognized than myself, Levitas (check out his blog), asked me back in August why I didn't include any Infinity figures in my "favorite miniatures" post.  Truth be told.  I have so many favorites that 3/4 of the post would...
Jacked Into Mayanet

Jacked Into Mayanet

Transmission start.....I've been in deep, folks. I played 5 10 games lately with my Neoterran force and I'm really loving the game. I even tried to get a copy of Icestorm from my Gencon ninja but it sold out before we could snag a copy.I've got to confess it's a lot...


Where are my Flying Cars?I'm about to get started on an experiment. You see, I don't play 40k anymore. It's pretty dead in our area since just before the launch of 6th edition.I love sci-fi! I have been looking for a game that can sit alongside WM without the size....
Infinity – The Background Episode

Infinity – The Background Episode

My last post went over how a new player could get started with Infinity.  The article largely focused on buying miniatures, the first game, and generally where to access information about Infinity.  This week I want to concentrate on the background....