Legio Crucius will walk at Beachhead 2024

 Hello one and all,A mad few weeks to get 2 - YES 2! Warhounds ready for this weekends Titan Owners Club walk at Beachhead 2024 in Bournemouth. This is a fantastic event, in a great location, for which this is our 4 Titan walk as a demonstration...

Legio Astorum – Reaver Titan Gatling Blasters

Welcome Titan-seers, thanks for dropping by, here is Reaver Titan 'Aquila Occulus' re-armed with a couple of additional weapons I purchased, two Gatling Blasters for multi-barrel boom!The Gatling Blasters are mid-range multiple barrel, mid strength guns compared to...

Imperator Titan – AT28mm Playtest Rule Set

Hello All!Siph and I were able to squeeze in a small, if massive battle to play test some Imperator rules for the Titan Owners Club. We had several versions of rules to try, and ended up with a hybrid of 2 of the rules we had put together.  The battle saw my...