Howdy y'all!I did some super quick paintjobs on a couple of the MK3 Battle Boxes to encourage the kids in my after school club to get excited for Warmahordes. Nothing fancy but they look good from arms length!More Play It Paitned tabletop level stuff coming soon! LMK...

My Retribution Retinue Reinforcements.

I've been working on my force in preparation for a 50point tournament at the end of the month. Unpainted models are allowed, but with such a comparatively small force, I'm hoping to have it finished in time.Here's a shot of the entire force, though reinforcements...

Retribution of Scyrah

So I was at my local game store and I enquired about how much it would cost just to get the latest rules to play my Raven Guard. ....After I got up from the floor, I spied the Warmachine sets. I asked how much for a starter, and was invited to a game by a...
Lanyssa Complete!

Lanyssa Complete!

Still plugging away at my two tournament lists for the Trolls. For my heavy armor list I have a few "Minion" solos (both for looks and because of what they do for the army overall). The first Minion is an elf named Lanyssa. She adds a bunch of utility to the list plus...
Retribution of Scyrah…Take 2!

Retribution of Scyrah…Take 2!

I keep going back and looking at my first couple of finished Retribution of Scyrah models and for some reason I was just not happy with them. The red isnt great to paint, I am not getting the shade of red I want and the OSL just dont work. In case you forgot the...