Salamander Commission

Recently I had a reader reach out to me about completing a commission piece. He wanted a Salamander Command Vehicle made and painted to match his existing army. At first I was apprehensive, knowing the amount of time it often takes me to complete a project. But we...

Armour in April 3rd Update

The third week of #ArmourinApril is over. Not too much painting got done this week, but I did bring the Thunderer to life so I feel like it's a fair trade. I did get it and the second of my eBay rescue Leman Russ hulls painted up to the same point as the tanks last...

Armour in April 2nd Update

The end of the second week of the month is here and #armourinapril rolls on.This week saw me get some rare morning painting done before work. I'm usually up quite a bit before I need to leave the house anyways so I may try and capitalize on this previously unrealized...

Armour in April 1st Update

 I started with two tanks nearly complete so I have been focused on getting them done first. The LR Vanquisher is nearly done at this point. The Gideon pattern MBT I had painted half of the metallics and then stopped. I got the rest done and now they are both...

Imperial Armour: Chimera Project v2 001

A couple months ago I posted about using one Chimera hull for many different vehicles. Courtney Hollyoake, who runs the Cadian127th blog, asked me about it and I decided to repeat the conversion and document it.I started by assembling the main hull of the Chimera....