Changing directions…

 o/'Oh great, we've just gone from move to another...'The house is just about all packed up and as of today we are T-9 days from moving to South Carolina. I swung by Screech & Loren's today to pick up mail (they've been renting my grandparents' house), say...

When the (mostly) unpainted hordes collide!

 o/'TODAY IS A GOOD DAY TO DIE!'The last words attributed to Chaplain Schaff of the Black DragonsScreech and I got together for a game wednesday night, or rather we sorta did. We got a late start due eating out beforehand and that combined with having to work the...

Wargames Gallery Showcase: Shattered Legions

The image below showcases my (very modest) Shattered Legions forces to date. I find myself in a bit of a quandary about what to do next in the absence of the new rulebook! Hopefully that should arrive sooner rather than later though. I have a bunch of Iron Hands...

Never tell me the odds!

 o/No, this isn't another Star Wars Legion post. Rather for the second time now I've won an NOCF charity raffle! Ya know, I had been donating to these raffle for years to no avail. Only about $15-$20 at a time and win or not, its always for a good...