Counter Attack Tournament Report.

My faith in 40k is restored (despite GW’s determination to break the game!). Had a great weekend at Counter Attack, 5 great, pretty tough games against fun opponents.My list was the one I posted in the last post, 2 Mark’O’Rain teams, 2 teams of Double Burst Cannon...

Tournament List, Counter Attack 2013

This weekend a buddy and I are off to Counter Attack a 5 game, 1750pt, Forge World allowed Tournament in Edinburgh. In my continuing quest to take something a little different (!), I’m taking Tau, with no Ethereals, no Firewarriors, no Riptides, and no Batman...
Winter War 2013 Review Part 2: Battle Reports

Winter War 2013 Review Part 2: Battle Reports

So here's a cheeky wee run down of my games at winter war 2013! I had a great time and 3 brilliant games against up standing chaps! Below is the list I took:Army list:Wizzbang Da Shaman (Savage Orc Great Shaman): Lucky Shrunken Head; Fencers Blades; Level 4 Wizard....