Top 16 Nova Lists

According to Mike Brandt (Nova Open Organizer) the top 16 lists in the GT were (per DakkaDakka Nova Thread):1. Tony Kopach - IG/SW, entirely foot, Njal inclusive 2. Nick Nanavati - Daemons ... screamer/flamer spam with plague bearer troops and winged dp + fatey 3....

More Posts are Coming, I Promise!

That photo about says it all. Lately it feels like my motivation for Warhammer 40K has gone. I have enjoyed the few games of 6th Edition that I have played, but for what ever reason I just don't have any desire to actively seek out a game. Maybe it's the commission...

More Posts are Coming, I Promise!

That photo about says it all. Lately it feels like my motivation for Warhammer 40K has gone. I have enjoyed the few games of 6th Edition that I have played, but for what ever reason I just don't have any desire to actively seek out a game. Maybe it's the commission...

Tournament recap

Our 3rd annual Tournament of Championships was this past Saturday.  Above, you can see the prizes that we gave away.  This was our best-run event to date, and I had a blast running it.  Here were some of the standings:General:1.  Aaron A....

Adepticon 2012: Combat Patrol Thoughts and Review!

Combat patrol at Adepticon is quickly over shadowed by bigger things like the Grand Tournament and the Team Tournament. Heck, I even read more about the Gladiator event than anything related to Combat Patrol! This is really unfair to the Combat Patrol event and I...