The Road to Throne of Skulls: Painting and Tickets…

So, with only 11 days to go before I head off to Throne of Skulls, I have been hard (...erm... for me anyway) at work on my Dark Eldar to get them ready for the tournament.This weekend alone, I finished 2 warriors (3 to go) and a Venom (4 to go) as well as a couple of...

Yellow Submarine Display Board WIP

I will be playing in Orktoberfest this weekend and whilst my Crimson Fists are not ready (because they only arrived a week ago), I am going to enjoy taking my Iyanden Eldar.  After seeing that I have received the third highest comp score, I decided to do...

Tourney Style: Presence and Present-ability of a Judge

One of the major roles of a tourney judge is to simply be available to answer questions and arbitrate rules discussions. However, there is often a sense of reservation that players seem to have when deciding whether and when to grab a judge. I completely...

Doubles Tournament Results

Long time no post. I won't go into a long winded apology about why I haven't updated in almost two months as Ron Saikowski had a good post on what not to post about and I don't want to break the Lord of the Warp's 3rd rule.Anyway, the doubles tournament is long since...

Tourney Style: Slow Play versus Playing Slow in 40k

As a tournament judge at the 2011 NOVA Open, I had the nearly unique opportunity to observe upwards of 800 games of 40k being played across 2 days with 200 players. The NOVA format this year was 2000  point lists playing 4 games per day over the course of two...