Fluffageddon 2016: Tournament Review

Fluffageddon Tournament ReviewAs this was the first Fluffageddon, I thought I would give my opinion on how I thought the event went and what could be improved for next time. This post was ready ages ago, but I haven't got round to posting it yet. I contacted Matt to...

Birthday Bash 2.0 Tournament- Deathwatch Initial List Thoughts

Over the holidays, I began to think about what list I may want to take to Dave's upcoming Birthday Bash 2.0. This is a 40k tournament in February, so I decided to take my Deathwatch Marines. They are one of my newest armies, so this tournament gives me the perfect...

Genestealer Cult’s First Tournament

Last weekend was the GSC’s first tournament. I had a blast and went 3-2, which I was pleased with, particularly when you read about how I lost my first game…..!The list I took wasCult Insurrection DetachmentBrood Cycle5 Acolytes5 Acolytes5 Acolytes5 Metamorphs10...