Another great news from Games Workshop!

Welcome! So after yesterday's news we have got another exciting info. It is Age of Sigmar related, but it might also be a sign of things going in the right direction for 40k as well.Watch the video first, to see what I am talking about.Witajcie! Po wczorajszym newsie...

Back From the Dead

Yet again, rumours of my death have been greatly exaggerated!!After a dramatic start to the year (3 tournaments in 3 months Caledonian Uprising, LVO and Dark MIllenium 3), I hadn’t played a game of 40k until this weekend!! Real life has conspired against me, and the...

Caledonian Revolution 2016: Best Army Nominees Photos

Today's post features the nominee armies for the best army at Caledonian Revolution. This was a really tough decision to make, as the quality of the armies was amazing. First up, we have a deathstar type army based on several fantasy and Age of Sigmar...

Caledonian Revolution 2016:Armies on Display

Since I had a lot of spare time with my first tournament game finishing so early, I got a chance to take some photos of the various armies at the tournament. This post will feature some of the random armies that caught my eye as I walked around. Tomorrow's post will...