Ork Trukk Tutorial and Guide

Ork Trukk Tutorial and Guide

Here's my latest addition to my Ork collection.  I've had this truck assembled and primed for quite a while, but never got around to painting it (like so many other things).  I've come up with a decent method of cutting time off Ork vehicles by spraying...
[Scratchbuilt] Second Mega Trukk WIP – step 2

[Scratchbuilt] Second Mega Trukk WIP – step 2

Bonjour à tous, voici une petite mise à jour du second Mega Trukk qui accompagnera ma future Waagh! Je n'ai rien fais d'autre ce weekend car je me suis concentré un peu plus sur la sculpture de mes deux futurs Big Boss et je dois encore y passer pas mal de...

My Scratch Built Ork Trukk Conversion Now Finished

So following on from my last post, this model actually date's back a few years now, but it's only quite recently that I managed to get it finished, and no one can say that it's not inkeeping with a 40k Ork theme.So there you have it short and sweet another project...

Orktimus Prime

Here is the link to Orktimus primeSeen this very cool conversion of a transforming ork trukk online while researching for some conversion ideas. :)