#Turnip28 first unit BIG BUILD TO DONE!

Afternoon, I've finally got around to starting my Turnip28 army. I say finally, that's not true, I actually built these in October! I've just finally got around to blogging about them. Now, I'd say these are exactly as I originally imagined I'd do a Turnip28...

Battle Reports #Turnip28

Afternoon, I've been a fan of Max FitzGerald's Turnip28 for ages. Although it's not like I need another game to get into or have the time the aesthetic fascinates me - Napoleonic/Medieval root based vegetable warfare with funny names. The colours are so unlike how I...

The Carrot

Behold! Inquisitor Gideon Ravenor in his vegetative state...And the angel of the lord came unto me, snatching me up from my place of slumber. and took me on high, and higher still until we moved to the space betwixt the air itself.And he brought me into a vast...