Astral Claws test minis

o/I had hoped to have this post out both earlier and with at least a combat squad of marines done...but Real Life (TM) happened. That said, I am rather pleased with these three and true to the memory of the handful I painted some years ago, they were fairly...

So, what to do with a non-Primaris space marine army?

The above is just a small portion of the Lions of Harlech Chapter. I do believe that there is somewhere in the realm of 4-5 fully painted companies of them.It is a valid question as out of the blue, Kushial surprised me (stunned would be more accurate) with the gift...
The state of my 40k: Astral Claws

The state of my 40k: Astral Claws

o/Arch Centurion Carnac Commodus in all his glory!Current Disposition: With the demise of my Tyrant's Legion army as the cultists have long since gone the way of ebay, my Astral claws are kindova small and redundant army now. They're also the last army I played...
Retaliator Squad

Retaliator Squad

o/This week's project was getting my Tyrant's Legion Retaliator squad ready for this coming weekend. Well, mission accomplished (paint not included):We will confuse the enemy with our mis-matched color schemes!Normally an Elite choice, my warlord: Arch-Centurion...
Another batch of Tyrant’s Legion converts…

Another batch of Tyrant’s Legion converts…

...literally! :-Dlol, notta whole lot of time for hobbying this week. Actually, it was a litte bit of a rough week for me. Whilst I've been a gamer for decades and cutting my fingers while converting minis is a daily occurrence. When I wanted to slice a bagel in two...