Down Under Delivers Warhammer 40k Results Galore

by | Jan 24, 2021

It can be hard to believe, but there are parts of the world that are not under some sort of lockdown social distance regiment, one such place is the Australia where we saw over the last two weeks 3 large events and even one with over 100 players! In addition, we also got a Colombian event thrown in for good measure. Keep in mind though none of these events used the new Death Guard rules, so sorry no Mortarion freaking out just yet.

Here are the winning army lists…

Grand Tournament Barranquilla 2021: Top 3

Pablo Ortega 1st Place Grand Tournament Barranquilla 2021 – Craftworld

5-0 Scores: 73/85/79/79/81

Juan Ochoa 2nd Place Grand Tournament Barranquilla 2021 – Orks

4-1 Scores: 79/92/59/92/91

Nicolas Francone 3rd Place Grand Tournament Barranquilla 2021 – Adeptus Custodes

4-1 Scores: 37/46/94/89/34

Battle In The Bush 2020(21): Top 3

Josh McMillan 1st Place Battle in the Bush 2020(21) – Blood Angels

5-0 Scores: 96/84/100/100/80

Joshua Brodie Place Battle in the Bush 2020(21) – White Scars – Inquisition

4-1 Scores: 94/67/98/95/90

Colin Johnson 3rd Place Battle in the Bush 2020(21) – Dark Angels

4-1 Scores: 92/81/73/97/74

Objective Secured Perth GT 2021: Top 3

Mitch Byrne 1st Place Objective Secured Perth GT 2021 – Chaos Daemons – Chaos Space Marines

7-0 Scores: 90/63/90/89/73/84/81

Dave Horne 2nd Place Objective Secured Perth GT 2021 – Harlequins – Drukhari

6-1 Scores: 90/38/67/80/86/67/68

Jordan Berresford 3rd Place Objective Secured Perth GT 2021 – Astra Militarum – Adeptus Sororitas

6-1 Scores: 87/87/61/47/83/83/67

Uprising: Adelaide Open: Top 3

Matt Morosoli 1st Place Uprising Adelaide Open 2021 – Chaos Daemons – Chaos Space Marines

8-0 Scores: 92/92/96/74/90/86/84/92

Liam Hackett 2nd Place Uprising Adelaide Open 2021 – Chaos Daemons – Chaos Space Marines

7-1 Scores: 94/100/100/100/67/100/95/95

Stuart Trainer 3rd Place Uprising Adelaide Open 2021 – Grey Knights

7-1 Scores: 59/52/75/78/83/81/92/86

Australia is known for their innovative lists and the winners you see here are no exception, we see Matt Morosoli use all the best things from CSM and Daemons to perfection winning 8 games in a row, by mastering both point denial and primary point domination. Slaanesh overall seems to be dominating with all these lists. As for the rest of the results we get a great smattering of armies, even with Grey Knights making an Top 3 position; missing though is any Necron Silent King lists that have been doing very well in North America.