Project Raven Guard: Speed Painting & Battle Reports


Like my previous hobby project this project has the same format with a new army, this time we move on to another Space Marine Chapter: the Raven Guard! Since the release of 9th edition this Chapter has seen better days; thanks to double nerfs to Centurions and Space Marine Scouts, so why not set out and make something unique, with units you rarely seen fielded by Space Marines players, let alone the Raven Guard.

The Raven Guard provided a much needed opportunity to paint a different color, having been painting white for the two previous projects: Necrons and White Scars. It certainly felt good to run the opposite way by going all black. Like I always do, I used a pretty standard speed painting method to get the Raven Guard from black primer to tabletop quality in no time.

So follow the links below go over the battle reports and speed painting technique I used to paint the entire Raven Guard force.

Raven Guard Battle Reports


Raven Guard Speed Painting 

Thanks for clicking, next project will be Flesh Tearers which have been a blast to paint!

Warhammer 40k Projects

Hope you come along for the ride and check out these mini-sites from Blood of Kittens