Have some major catching up to do on all the events of this past month. Here is all you need to know on who won what and where.

The biggest event of the month was the NovaOpen as most of you already know. Here are some pdfs and if you want to see all the lists Danny Internets has supplied a copious amount of information about those details.

40k Final Tally

40k Lower Bracket Tally

Really, I am telling you just head over to http://www.baldandscreaming.com/ if you want pictures and everything else– it is really an insane amount of information.

As for last weekend we had another Astronomic-Con event this time held in always sunny Vancouver. Here is a list of the winners for that event.

Best Overall:Nick DanielsImperial Guard
Best Sportsman:Les SohierSpace Marines
Best Army:Marshall ReevesSpace Marines
Best Appearance:Will HellebrandIron Warriors (Dark Angels)
Best General:Lee BaxterOrks
Best Terrain:Aaron “Duke” HudsonImperial City
Best Single Miniature:Matt LauEldar Avatar
Best Army List:Steve FranksUlthwé Eldar

As well here is a pdf of all the results breakdown.

Astronomi-Con Vancouver Results

Finally, falling on the same weekend as the NovaOpen was another GT in Bellevue Washington. Now this 16 person event had some major issues…

Blood of Kittens received an email a few weeks back about it and after doing some digging it seems to be corroborated. So here is a cut and paste of the original email so let me know were you think the responsibility lays for this one!

Just wanted to let you in on something that happened at Conquest
Puget Sound.

Maybe a good title might be something along the lines of: Judges
inability to read rules costs Dark Eldar Player Golden Ticket

Here is a link to the Webpage:

Check out the link to the 40k rules:

Scroll down to ConQuest GT Puget Sound Apocalypse Awards:

Notice that Best Champion reads: Most total points. (Battle,
Sportsmanship then Paint for

Now look at the Results:


from http://conquestgt.avalongamecon.com/index.html

See how the judges just added the Battle Points & Sports? No Paint?

Look at all the other results sheets except for Puget Sound WFB &
40k, they had Battle, Sports & Paint scores for overall rankings.

The judges thought that because the rules said: Most total points.
(Battle, Sportsmanship then Paint for tiebreakers)
That paint was only used for tie breakers.

This was brought this up to the judges, but because they had already
announced the results they didn’t want to change anything.

So the real winner should have been:

Mark McDonald 152 Total points
Kiel Skriver 150.5 Total points

Instead Nokoa Thompson was crowned Best Overall with only 149 points
and given a Golden Ticket, even though he really finished 3rd in total

Way to go Judges!

So basically we have a case of the previous events not using what was stated in their rules packets and now finally in this latest event they used what was stated in their rules packet.

How much of a big deal should this be?