Before we get to covering the last day of the championship I just want to get some community take on a few debatable things that I am sure people will be talking about in a few days. Oddly I only have a real problem with one of them, but let us see what everyone else thinks.
The first one is a classic.
Sizes of models.
Here is a picture of one of the better Ork players (Marc Parker)
Now those large Ork vehicles are not being used in an Apoc game, but actually a normal 40k event. They are battlewagons about the width of three current battlewagons. They are the original legal models that were used before the current edition of the battlewagon was out. So the conundrum are these models abusive? Or is this just simply a case of someone choosing to play the old models they have had since the dawn of time? and yes they have Deff Rollers.
The next dilemma on the first day happened at the top table on the final game of the day. Now this was two spam armies of epic proportions with lots of troops and transports. Dash of Pepper had his Dark Eldar 12+ skimmers with almost equal Andrew Russell similar count Sisters army. In the first two hours they had only gotten to turn 3, so when time was called the judges intervened and said they had to play out the game.
It didn’t help that both players were getting into constant arguments about rules and other stuff. As with a critical event that ended up giving Dash more points because of “guess what is in my venom”. I think the game took another hour and thirty minutes to finish (don’t quote me). After which both players got stern warnings about slow play. Even though this was the top table is it fair that these players got extra time? As well the top four or so other tables got extra time if they wanted it, but no one took it. Still a few people were upset at the idea that table 1 got so much more time.
What do you think?
As well should have some more video and pictures tomorrow of the final games at WargamesCon 2011