Over President’s weekend we were hit with four GTs– two one day events and two two-day events. One of the two-day events was the always comptastic Broadside Bash. When I mean comptastic I mean old school, like your opponent gets to decide just how naughty or nice your army was.
Every year at the Broadside Bash people complain about the comp, but still go and in the end only one malcontent ever complains. This year’s Broadside Bash also took place at a larger venue that beat the crap out of the hot box suite days at the airport Radisson a few years ago.
The Bash ended up having 48 players for 40k. In addition, the Broadside Bash allowed players to use certain Forge World units which made from some fun and interesting armies. As for the Overall Winner it went to Doug Johnson and his Orks. Here is his list.
Doug Johnson’s Orks Best Overall Broadside Bash
Here is results PDF as well from the event.
As well if you want to learn more about the scoring and anything else about the Broadside Bash check out there blog.
If you cannot enjoy reading about events without pictures here is a link to all the pictures you could ever want for both 40k and fantasy.
As well a lengthy discussion is still going on about Bash on Dakkadakka
As always check out upcoming events on Blood of Kittens event site.