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40k Buying Guide: Amazing Ork Objective Markers


40k Buying Guide is rated empty your pockets. These articles are meant to help you continue complaining about GW pricing schemes at the same time you are buying used models on Ebay

Kromlech has sent Blood of Kittens products for review and like any good wargamer we sent them off to someone better at painting and hobbying than me, here is a review by one of my favorite players and painters Jody Pez Man. Jody is available for commissions for characters and squads only contact him at pez5767@hotmail.com for pricing and details.

Review of Junk City Objective Markers

This time around, I’m looking at the Junk City Objective Markers.  This is a set of six, numbered objective markers on 40mm bases. Each objective stands about 2” to 2.5” inches off of the tabletop making them about the same height as a Meganob.

Much like Kromlech’s other products I’ve reviewed, the Junk City Objectives are more or less ready for assembly and painting right out of the package.  In fact, the Junk City Objective Markers needed no cleaning or clipping of any kind, and were a snug push fit.  While I left the signs separate from the bases for painting, I really appreciated the thoughtful design and simplified assembly of these pieces.  It really doesn’t make much sense to me to spend hours of hobby time on assembly of something like an objective marker. That said, I am still playing with the idea of using magnets to allow me to keep these markers in two separate pieces indefinitely.  The push fit design would make the addition of the magnets really easy, and beyond the benefits of being able to store them flat, I can think of a few fun in-game applications for keeping them modular.

As I’ve said before, the beauty of Kromlech’s aesthetic lies in the deeply detailed and highly textured surfaces of their figures.  The deeply cut texturing of every surface allows for a wide variety of painting techniques to be effective.  For a play-aid like an objective marker, I wanted to get these ready for use as quickly as possible, so I could get back to spending time painting my never ending hordes of boyz and new AoS army.  As such, the painting process was a simple matter of putting down base coats of silver, yellow, and black, then picking out a few key details on the model.  I covered the whole model with a wash, as I often do for my basic orks.  Again, the heavy use of texture and detail makes using washes ideal on Kromlech models because the wash clings to all of that detail so well.  A final application of weathering pigments and a few highlights finished the process.

While I took a speed painting approach to finishing the Junk City Objective Markers, you could just as easily spend hours picking out the details on these models.  In fact, I would say that for anyone looking to build a display board or diorama with a post-apocalyptic theme, these models would make an excellent addition to your display.  What is more, the bases of these figures are outstanding. I’d love to see Kromlech create a range of scenic bases showing this level of detail.  Overall, this is another wonderful offering from the folks at Kromlech, and I’m thrilled to have these as part of my collection.

Finally, I’d like to thank TastyTaste for giving me the opportunity to share my thoughts on these models with readers of Blood of Kittens.  I hope my reviews have been helpful.  Until I post again… happy painting and gaming!

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