Games Workshop December Market Watch & Half Year Results
Watching stocks over the short-term is often an experiment in futility; on December 5th 2017 we looked back at the state of Games Workshop’s stock price and general financial health today we do the same…
The Holiday season is over and most retailers so far are reporting higher than expected sales. How this relates to Games Workshop we won’t know for a few months, but even if sales cratered in December Games Workshop performance for 2017 has been record breaking.
To help with understanding just how amazing sales have been for Games Workshop over the last year, we can thank CEO Kevin Rountree for providing us with the newly released Half-Yearly Report. Before though we talk about the report, let us see how the last month of 2017 went.
Here is the data from months of November to December.
December was a very good month, adding another 25% easily from the up and down profit taking of previous months.
As for the year to date, you can see the complete scope of the impressive rise of Games Workshop stock performance.
Games Workshop in what would be considered a shock to anyone just two years ago is up almost 400% in the last 12 months! This coincides with a change of management just a few short years ago.
If you look at the Half-Yearly Report all this is reflected by the 54% rise in profits compared from Jun-Nov 2016. The main areas behind the surge is Online sales (Mail Order), North American and Asian growth. Kevin Rountree in his report also singles out the renewed focus on connecting with us hobbiysts…
Customer focused
Key to this sales performance has been our commitment to talking with our customers. We have a
great, global community who are both loyal and passionate. Over the last six months we have – again –
doubled the number of customers interacting with us on social media.We’ve supported these customers with daily content for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar and Warhammer
40,000, and increased our video output to more than one video every day, reaching over 100,000
people per day. We’ve also continued to develop and created new brand
content sites. In the last six months alone, our content has had 16.3 million views from 2.5 million
users, and this increase shows no sign of stopping.
Of course don’t let corporate shilling do all the talking here is what financial publications are saying too…
So there you have it an impressive end to an amazing turn around, but can Games Workshop sustain it?
Well if they keep on talking to us, release Sisters of Battle, and along with reinventions of the Xenos armies things will continue to burn bright for our favorite plastic crack maker.
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