Fantastic Lists and Where to Find Them: Chapter Two
This particular series of articles explores unique lists and trends developing in the competitive Warhammer 40k meta. The focus is on interesting lists that performed unusually well and/or being played unexpectedly by top level players.
The clock is really ticking fast towards Las Vegas Open 2019, and last week saw a few more large tournaments take place. Those events had a few interesting lists that showed how just a few point changes and a new Forge World model can boost a previously pretty sad army and codex.
Three of these lists are from the Necron codex, who along the Tau and Orks can’t pull units from multiple codexes.
First, lets book back last week and one list I did not explain from the Last Change Open 2019 going 4-1 and 13th Overall out of almost 100 players.
Will Mott Necrons Last Chance Open 2019
Will’s list is basically an Imperial Knight list for Necrons, what makes it interesting though is two things. First, is the use of the Triarch Stalker which is getting another look from Necron players with its extreme point reduction, but mostly for re-roll 1s. Those not informed re-rolls are hard to come by Nercons, where most armies get it like candy. The second thing is why Will chose the Novokh Dynasty. This is because now the Serapteks when caught in a charge are able to re-roll everything and with CP willing attack twice.
The second Necron List is from the Goldenspue Cup GT 2019, also going 4-1 and playing on the top table in the final round against one of the best players in the world Sean Nayden.
Chad Layton Necrons Goldensprue Cup GT 2019
This Necron lists is almost completely different from the previous one, still using a Seraptek, but mostly as a gap filler that we have grown accustomed to seeing in Imperial (Knight) Soup lists. You have Imotekh who is also making a bit of comeback thanks to point reductions and his ability to use My Will be Done twice. What does make this list really stand out though, is the use of Tomb Blades over more Immortals, but the idea here is doubling down on what makes Immortals great in the first place, with even more Tesla shots. The list also has what you will see in most competitive Necron lists, 3 Doomsday Arks to back up the Seraptek. In a list with both Arks and a Seraptek really forces an opponent to make a hard choice on what is more important to take out first.
The last Necron comes from the Siege of Augusta and this 3-1-1 list tied the 2nd place finisher and only lost to the 1st place winner.
Mike Ellison Necrons Siege of Augusta 2019
This is a more standard Necron competitive list; once again Imotekh pops up, as well as the 3 Doomsday Arks. This list is a good blueprint of exactly how the point changes effected the Necrons, taking mentions above and putting them all together. Immortals, Arks, Imotekh, Lords, and Triarch Stalkers are all point reduction units and some significantly. To put it in into math terms, take a standard 10-man Immortal Tesla unit. A 150 point Immortals unit can easily get 20 shots hitting on 2s exploding on 5s & 6s, while re-rolling wounds of 1s, all at S5. This is backed up by 3d6 “combined” S10 -5 AP D6 damage 72″ range Doomsday Arks, which btw can also put out at 20 S4 -1 AP shots within 12″ each. If the meta shifts more towards Orks you can see just how easily Necrons fit as a counter.
Finally, is here is a list for next week’s article to get you thinking. This comes also from the Siege of August and the second place finisher’s exotic Death Guard list.
Daniel Hesters Death Guard Siege of Augusta 2019
Here is a hint, on why it was effective, count how many drops this army can make? Also for Necron players who want a quick reference here are the Forgeworld rules for…
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