Games Workshop Market Watch for April 2019
Watching stocks over the short-term is often an experiment in futility; on April 1st 2019 we looked back at the state of Games Workshop’s stock and financial health today we do the same…
I feel like every month I say the same thing, because it was always worth saying, but now with Brexit AGAIN getting postpone to what could be a comical irony of Halloween. In the meantime though, Games Workshop has been mostly pretending shrugging all along, thanks to the of the oddity of being a British company that actually makes things domestically in 2019.
So with that backdrop how did Games Workshop look for the month of April 2019?
Well as you can see things have been pretty spectacular for Games Workshop for the month of April, with the launch of new Chaos Space Marine and Primaris Marines, and the uncertainty of Brexit pushed to the end of the year. Really though, there is one singular event that help propel the stock, the tried and true dividend.
How does this all reflect for the year to date?
Once again you can see April being the real pusher to bringing stock to what looks like an unsustainable trajectory. Now up over 1000 from the start of the year and around a 30% increase, thanks to international breaks and a strategically time dividend.
Where are the Games Workshop Investor page releases for April 2019.
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