Games Workshop Market Watch for June 2019
Watching stocks over the short-term is often an experiment in futility; on June 6th 2019 we looked back at the state of Games Workshop’s stock and financial health, today we do the same…
Now with the Brexit can being kicked even farther down the road, Games Workshop “should” experience at least a few months to of performance in isolation from greater world events. June brought a lot of news for the company as they prepare to release their 18/19 financial report, which clearly effected stock performance for the month.
So with that backdrop how did Games Workshop do for the month of June 2019?
If this story sounds familiar you are not alone, but Games Workshop stocks saw another spike with good news from headquarters and more bonuses for every employee. Creating a nice 12% jump for stock in just one month.
How do things now look now were are half way through 2019.
The stock is up a whopping 40% for the year! It just doesn’t look like any news can phase this company as it continues to grow on the back of the tabletop boom, along with fantastic marketing and products.
Finally, here are the Games Workshop Investor page releases for May 2019. Including a preview of what we can expect from July’s fiscal report.
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