Games Workshop Market Watch February 2021

by | Mar 3, 2021

Watching stocks over the short-term is often an experiment in futility; on February 2nd 2021 we looked back at the state of Games Workshop’s stock and financial health, and today we do the same…

First time in a long time, Games Workshop stock was actually down to start a year; as the world slowly thaws from the latest Covid spike most stock markets remained flat. Games Workshop for their part has been continuously hit by supply train issues and Brexit fallout, but would it have any effect on investors we will have to see.

So take a look at how Games Workshop’s stock for the month of February… 

Games Workshop stock was slightly higher to end the month, but as you will see in the YTD graph is still down for the year.

We are most likely looking at a stock that won’t have much in the way of fluxuations, until all the stringent lockdowns across Games Workshop largest markets are eased by the summer. Then we have the mid-year report in June which could show us just how bad all the issues the company has had getting products in customers hands to start the year. 

As for the other investment news in February 2021 see the links below…

Total Voting Rights

Director Shareholding