Another Covid GT in the Books

by | Mar 7, 2021

It has very few events last month, with most of the world being responsible humans and avoiding contact with other humans, but as vaccines and fatigue set in, you can always count on America to do the wrong thing first though and hold Warhammer 40k events in its heartland.

Here are the winning army list for the first American event to dip it’s toe back into the Covid Warhammer 40k waters.

Free State GT 2021: Top 3

Dan Sammons 1st Place Free State GT 2021 – Orks

5-0 Scores: 88/100/86/75/92

Aaron Cook 2nd Place Free State GT 2021 – Adeptus Custodes

4-1 Scores: 85/89/75/81/89

Stewart Reed 3rd Place Free State GT 2021 – Drukari 

4-1 Scores: 79/93/83/69/92

The Free State GT featured Orks taking 1st and 4th place and you will have to go down to 6th and 7th place to find Death Guard and 23rd place to find Dark Angels, so much so what for the consensus top armies in the game? This means Orks and Tyranids have taken the poll position in the last two American GT events.  So the while this hardly makes a trend, still next time the internet posts something about what armies are good or bad take it with a grain of salt in the world of Covid driven myopia.