Author: TastyTaste

Meat for Meta: Mission I see you

When talking about tournaments players tend to get hung up on many things. Some cry about comp scores, some put leeches on their eyes over victory conditions. What players usually overestimate is the difference among…...

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It’s like Tactics: What type of Excess to bring

Army lists will be the focus of this final report on everything Noise Marine and Slaanesh. As a warning, do not expect highly competitive builds. They will be effective against most opponents and balanced against any equivalent...

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Meat for Meta: Kill Points have feelings too.

Oh, Kill Points why does the world hate you so much? Oh, Kill Points why do you make Mech armies cry? Oh, Kill Points why do I have to massacre sometimes my opponent to win? These are just some of the questions that come to mind...

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Meat for Meta: Really, it is not that scary.

People hate the unknown and get ants in their pants when they cannot account from something random. In 40k the random is anathema to mathhammers and power gamers alike. The random can throw a wrench into someones perfect plans....

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It’s like Tactics: Plasma Guns > Meltaguns

They both can melt your face and they both have a high strength, but one is the darling of 5th edition.  Now time to turn back the clock because plasma is back and here are the reasons why… How could a case be made for...

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