Drukhari 8th Edition

Codex Drukhari 8th edition was released on 04-14-18

Unit points throughout Time


Unit NameBattlefield RoleIndexForge WorldCodexChapter Approved 2017Errata 2018Chapter Approved 2018Vigilus DefiantErrata 2019Chapter Approved 2020
Kabalite WarriorsTroops7-6------
Lelith HesperaxHQ125-80------
Urien RakarthHQ112-90------
CronosHeavy Support102-65-----60
RavagerHeavy Support95-80-----95
TalosHeavy Support88-75------
ReaperHeavy Support-150-------
TantalusHeavy Support-350-400-400---
Razorwing JetfighterFlyer115-105-----115
Voidraven BomberFlyer169-155------
Clawed FiendsFast Attack32-32------
HellionsFast Attack17-14-----12
KhymeraeFast Attack10-10------
Razorwing FlocksFast Attack7-1214----12
ReaversFast Attack30-19-----16
ScourgesFast Attack14-12------
Hekatrix BloodbridesElite13--------
Kabalite TruebornElite11--------
RaiderDedicated Transport95-65------
VenomDedicated Transport65-55------
Unit NameBattlefield RoleIndexForge WorldCodexChapter Approved 2017Errata 2018Chapter Approved 2018Vigilus DefiantErrata 2019Chapter Approved 2020


Drukhari Special Rules

Poisoned Weapons: This weapon wounds on a 4+, unless it is targeting a VEHICLE or TITANIC unit, in which case it wounds on a 6+.

Power from Pain: Units with this ability gain a bonus depending upon which battle round it is.

  1. Inured to Suffering: Roll a D6 each time a model with this bonus loses a wound. On a 6 the model does not lose that wound.
  2. Eager to Flay: You can re-roll the dice when determining how far a unit with this bonus moves when it Advances or charges.
  3. Flensing Fury: Add 1 to hit rolls made for units with this bonus in the Fight phase.
  4. Emboldened by Bloodshed: Units with this bonus automatically pass Morale tests (do not roll the dice).
  5. Mantle of Agony: Subtract 1 from the Leadership characteristic of enemy units that are within 6″ of any units with this bonus in the Morale phase.

Combat Drugs: Units with this ability gain a bonus during the battle. Pick the bonus the unit receives, but if you do this you cannot choose a bonus that has already been taken by another unit until all six combat drugs have been taken once each.

  1. Adrenalight: +1 to Attacks characteristic
  2. Grave Lotus: +1 to Strength characteristic
  3. Hypex: +2 to Move characteristic
  4. Painbringer: +1 to Toughness characteristic
  5. Serpentin: +1 to Weapon Skill characteristic
  6. Splintermind: +2 to Leadership characteristic

Vanguard of the Dark City: If your army is Battle-forged, all Troops units in DRUKHARI Detachments gain this ability. Such a unit that is within range of an objective marker (as specified in the mission) controls that objective marker even if there are more enemy models within range of it. If an enemy unit within range of the same objective marker has a similar ability, then the objective marker is controlled by the player who has the most models within range of it as normal.

Raiding Force: If your Battle-forged army includes at least 3 DRUKHARI Patrol Detachments, you receive +4 Command Points. If your army includes 6 or more DRUKHARI Patrol Detachments, you receive +8 Command Points instead.

Drukhari Obsessions

If your army is Battle-forged, all <KABAL>, <WYCH CULT> and <HAEMONCULUS COVEN> units in a DRUKHARI Detachment gain a Drukhari Obsession, so long as every other unit in their Detachment is from the same Kabal, Wych Cult or Haemonculus Coven (if you include a mix of <KABAL>, <WYCH CULT> and/or <HAEMONCULUS COVEN> units in the same Detachment, none of those units gain an obsession). Note that for this purpose, Lelith Hesperax is a <WYCH CULT> unit and Urien Rakarth is a <HAEMONCULUS COVEN> unit. The obsession gained depends on <KABAL>, <WYCH CULT> or <HAEMONCULUS COVEN> that unit is from, as shown over the next few pages. For example, a KABAL OF THE BLACK HEART unit with the Drukhari Obsessions ability gains the Thirst for Power obsession. If you have chosen a Kabal, Wych Cult or Haemonculus Coven that does not feature on these lists, you can choose the Kabal, Wych Cult or Haemonculus Coven Obsession (respectively) that best suits the fighting style and battlefield strategies of the warriors that hail from it.

Blades for Hire: DRUKHARI BEASTS, INCUBI, Mandrakes and Scourges units can be included in a Drukhari Detachment without preventing other units in that Detachment from gaining a Drukhari Obsession. Note, however, that these units listed can never themselves benefit from a Drukhari Obsession.

Kabal Obsessions

Kabal of the Black Heart Thirst for Power: Units with this obsession that have the Power From Pain ability treat the current battle round as being 1 higher than it actually is when determining what bonuses they gain. Units with this obsession that do not have the Power From Pain ability instead gain the Inured to Suffering bonus.

Kabal of the Flayed Skull Slay from the Skies: Add 3″ to the Move characteristic of all models with this obsession that can FLY (if such a model has a minimum and maximum Move characteristic, only add 3″ to their maximum one). In addition, enemy units do not receive the benefit to their saving throws for being in cover against attacks made by models with this obsession that can FLY, or that are embarked upon a TRANSPORT that can FLY. Re-roll hit rolls of 1 for such models when attacking with Rapid Fire weapons.

Kabal of the Poisoned Tongue The serpent’s Kiss: Re-roll wound rolls of 1 made for melee weapons and poisoned weapons used by models with this obsession. This does not apply to Artefacts of Cruelty. For the purposes of this obsession, a poisoned weapon is any weapon with the Poisoned Weapon ability.

Kabal of the Obsidian Rose Flawless Workmanship: The Range characteristic of all Assault, Rapid Fire and Heavy weapons used by units with this obsession is increased by 6″ (this does not apply to Eyebursts or Artefacts of Cruelty).

Wych Cult Obsessions

Cult of Strife The Spectacle of Murder: Increase the Attacks characteristic of models with this obsession by 1 during any turn in which they charged, were charged or made a Heroic Intervention.

Cult of the Cursed Blade Only the Strong Will Thrive: Increase the Strength characteristic of models with this obsession by 1. In addition, when a unit with this obsession fails a Morale test, only one model from that unit must flee.

Cult of the Red Grief the Speed of the Kill: Units with this obsession can charge in the same turn in which they Advanced. In addition, you can re-roll failed charge rolls for units with this obsession.

Haemonculus Coven Obsessions

The Prophets of Flesh Connoisseurs of Pain: If a model has this obsession, the invulnerable save conferred by its Insensible to Pain ability is increased to 4+.

The Dark Creed Distillers of Fear: Models in enemy units must subtract 1 from their Leadership characteristic for each unit with this obsession that is within 6″ of theirs (to a maximum of -3).

Cove of Twelve Butchers of Flesh: Improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of all melee weapons used by a model with this obsession by 1. For example, an Armour Penetration characteristic of 0 becomes -1, an Armour Penetration characteristic of -1 becomes -2, and so on. This does not apply to any Artefacts of Cruelty.

Codex: Drukhari describes how the <KABAL>, <WYCH CULT> and <HAEMONCULUS COVEN> keywords can be substituted with the name of your chosen Kabal, Wych Cult and Haemonculus Coven, as well as describing the abilities that units in DRUKHARI Detachments gain. One of these abilities is Drukhari Obsessions. If your chosen Kabal, Wych Cult or Haemonculus Coven does not have an associated obsession in Codex: Drukhari, you can create its Drukhari Obsession by selecting rules from the Kabal Obsessions (see opposite), Wych Cult Obsessions (pg 62) or Haemonculus Coven Obsessions (pg 63) lists respectively. Unless otherwise stated, your chosen Kabal, Wych Cult or Haemonculus Coven has two Drukhari Obsessions from the relevant list. If your army is Battle-forged, these rules can only be used to affect units within a DRUKHARI Detachment (as defined in Codex: Drukhari). Remember that a Detachment that includes any YNNARI unit – other than Yvraine, the Visarch, or the Yncarne – is not a DRUKHARI Detachment.

Phoenix Rising Kabal Obsessions

Dark Mirth: Subtract 1 from the Leadership characteristic of enemy units whilst they are within 6″ of any units from your army with this obsession. The first time an enemy unit fails a Morale test in a battle, add 1 to the Leadership characteristic of models from your army with this obsession until the end of that battle.

Deadly Deceivers: Units with this obsession can charge in a turn in which they Fell Back. When an enemy unit finishes a charge move within 1″ of any units with this obsession, roll one D6; on a 6, that enemy unit suffers 1 mortal wound.

Disdain for Lesser Beings: When a Morale test is taken for a unit with this obsession, no more than one model can flee.

Meticulous Flayers: Units with this obsession that have the Power From Pain ability always benefit from the Eager to Flay bonus, even during the first battle round. When resolving an attack made with a melee weapon by a model with this obsession against a unit that is not a VEHICLE or TITANIC, an unmodified hit roll of 6 automatically scores a hit and successfully wounds the target (do not make a wound roll).

Diviners of Fate: Models with this attribute have a 6+ invulnerable save.

Mobile Raiders: Add 3″ to the Move characteristic of models with this obsession that can FLY.

Soul Bound: When an Inured to Suffering roll is made for a model with this obsession, re-roll a roll of 1. Units with this obsession that do not have the Power From Pain ability instead gain the Inured to Suffering bonus.

Toxin Crafters: When resolving an attack made with a poisoned weapon by a model with this obsession, on an unmodified wound roll of 6 add 1 to the Damage characteristic of that weapon for that attack. This does not apply to Artefacts of Cruelty. For the purposes of this obsession, a poisoned weapon is any weapon that has the Poisoned Weapon ability.

Webway Raiders: The Webway Portal Stratagem can be used one additional time per battle for each Detachment (excluding Auxiliary Support Detachments) in your army that contains units with this obsession. The second and any subsequent uses of this Stratagem can only be used to set up units with this obsession in the webway.

Phoenix Rising Wych Cult Obsessions

Acrobatic Display: If you select this Wych Cult Obsession you cannot select a second. Whilst a model with this obsession that has an invulnerable save is within 1″ of any enemy units, improve its invulnerable save by 1, to a maximum of 3+ (e.g. a 4+ invulnerable save becomes a 3+). Whilst a model with this obsession that does not have an invulnerable save is within 1″ of any enemy units, it has a 6+ invulnerable save.

The Art of Pain: Whilst units with this obsession that have the Power From Pain ability are within 1″ of any enemy units, they treat the current battle round as being 1 higher than it actually is when determining what bonuses they gain from that ability..

Berserk Fugue: When resolving an attack made with a melee weapon by a model with this obsession that made a charge move, was charged or performed a Heroic Intervention this turn, an unmodified hit roll of 6 scores 1 additional hit. You cannot select this obsession if you have already selected the Precise Killers obsession.

Precise Killers: When resolving an attack made with a melee weapon by a model with this obsession, on an unmodified wound roll of 6 improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of that weapon by 1 for that attack (e.g. AP 0 becomes AP -1). You cannot select this obsession if you have already selected the Berserk Fugue obsession.

Slashing Impact: After a model with this obsession finishes a charge move, you can select one enemy INFANTRY , BIKER or MONSTER unit within 1″ of it and roll one D6; on a 5+ that enemy unit suffers 1 mortal wound.

Stimulant Innovators: When the Hyperstimm Backlash Stratagem is used on a unit with this obsession, it only costs 1 Command Point instead of 2.

Test of Skill: When resolving an attack made by a model with this obsession against a MONSTER or VEHICLE unit in which any models have a Wounds characteristic of 10 or more, add 1 to the wound roll.

Trophy Takers: When your opponent takes a Morale test for a unit in which any models were destroyed as a result of an attack made with a melee weapon by a model with this obsession this turn, they must roll two D6 and discard the lowest result. If both results are the same, discard either of them.

Phoenix Rising Haemonculus Coven Obsessions

Artists of Flesh: If you select this Haemonculus Coven Obsession you cannot select a second. When resolving an attack against a unit with this Obsession, subtract 1 from the Damage characteristic of the weapon making that attack (to a minimum of 1).

Dark Harvest: After a unit with this obsession finishes a charge move, for each model in that unit you can select one enemy unit within 1″ of that model and roll one D6; on a 5+ that enemy unit suffers 1 mortal wound..

Dark Technomancers: When a unit with this obsession fires Overwatch or is chosen to shoot with, you can choose to enhance any or all of the ranged weapons models in that unit are equipped with. If you do, until the end of the phase, when resolving an attack made with that weapon, add 1 to the wound roll and add 1 to the Damage characteristic of that weapon for that attack. If any unmodified wound rolls of 1 are made for attacks with an enhanced weapon, the firing model suffers 1 mortal wound after shooting with that weapon.

Experimental Creations: Add 1 to the Strength characteristic of all models with this obsession. When resolving an attack made with a poisoned weapon by a model with this obsession against a unit that has a lower Toughness characteristic than the attacking model, add 1 to the wound roll. For the purposes of this obsession, a poisoned weapon is any weapon with the Poisoned Weapon ability.

Hungry for Flesh:When a charge roll is made for a unit with this obsession, add 1 to the result.

Masters of Mutagens: When resolving an attack made with a poisoned weapon by a model with this obsession against a unit that is not a VEHICLE or TITANIC, an unmodified hit roll of 6 automatically scores a hit and successfully wounds the target (do not make a wound roll). This does not apply to Artefacts of Cruelty. For the purposes of this obsession, a poisoned weapon is any weapon with the Poisoned Weapon ability.

Master Torturers: When the Torturer’s Craft Stratagem is used on a unit with this obsession, it only costs 1 Command Point instead of 2.

Obsessive Collectors: When an enemy model is destroyed as a result of an attack made with a melee weapon by a model in a unit from your army with this obsession, you can select one model in that unit to regain up to D3 lost wounds. If the attacking model is a Wrack, you can instead return up to D3 destroyed models to that unit, placing them on the battlefield and in unit coherency (if the models cannot be placed in this way, they are not returned to the battlefield).

Drukhari Stratagems

As of 03-02-2020 Drukhari Stratagems groups are…

  • Universal Stratagems
  • Drukhari Stratagems
  • Obsession Specific Stratagems

(See tabs for details)  

  As of 08-03-2017 Universal Stratagems are…

Command Re-Roll: 1 CP

You can re-roll any single dice.

Counter-Offensive: 2 CP

Used right after an enemy unit that charged has fought. Select one of your own eligible units and fight with it next.

Insane Bravery: 2 CP

You can automatically pass a single Morale test and must be used before taking the test.

Prepared Positions: 2 CP

At the start of the first battle round, before the first turn begins. Until the end of the first turn, all units from your army that are wholly within your Deployment Zone, other than Titanic units, receive the benefit of cover, even while they are are not entirely on or in a terrain feature. A unit that is already receiving the benefit of cover gains no additional benefit from this Stratagem. 

If your army is Battle-forged and includes any Drukhari Detachments (excluding Auxiliary Support Detachments), you have access to the Stratagems shown here, meaning you can spend Command Points to activate them. These help to reflect the unique strategies used by the Drukhari on the battlefield.

Webway Portal: 1/3 CP

Use this Stratagem during deployment if you have not used the Screaming Jets Stratagem this battle. If you spend 1 CP, you can set up one DRUKHARI INFANTRY, BIKER or BEAST unit from your army in the webway instead of placing it on the battlefield. If you spend 3 CPs, you can place two such units in the webway instead. Any units in the webway can emerge at the end of any of your Movement phases – set them up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9″ from any enemy units. You can only use this Stratagem once.

Alliance of Agony: 1 CP

Use this Stratagem before the battle if your Warlord is an Archon. Choose up to one HAEMONCULUS and up to one SUCCUBUS from your army. Generate a Warlord Trait for each character you chose (note that these characters are only regarded as your Warlord for the purposes of these Warlord Traits).

Architects of Pain: 1 CP

Use this Stratagem at the start of the battle round. Choose a unit from your army that has the Power From Pain ability. Until the end of the battle round, that unit treats the current battle round as being 1 higher than it actually is when determining what bonuses it gains from the Power From Pain table. This is cumulative with other, similar effects (such as the Kabal of the Black Heart’s ‘Thirst for Power’ obsession).

Haywire Grenade: 1 CP

Use this Stratagem before a DRUKHARI model from your army throws a plasma grenade at a VEHICLE unit. Only make a single hit roll for that grenade; if it hits, the enemy unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.

Lightning-Fast Reactions: 2 CP

Use this Stratagem when a DRUKHARI INFANTRY, VEHICLE or BIKER unit from your army (excluding Urien Rakarth or a <HAEMONCULUS COVEN> unit) is targeted by a ranged or melee weapon. Subtract 1 from hit rolls made against that unit for the rest of the phase.

Prizes from the Dark City: 1/3 CP

Use this Stratagem before the battle. Your army can have one extra Artefact of Cruelty for 1 CP, or two extra Artefacts of Cruelty for 3 CPs. All of the Artefacts of Cruelty that you include must be different and be given to different DRUKHARI CHARACTERS. You can only use this Stratagem once per battle.

Eviscerating Fly-by: 1 CP

Use this Stratagem when a <WYCH CULT> unit from your army that can FLY Advances. If that unit moves over any enemy units this phase, choose one of those enemy units and roll a D6 for each model in your unit, adding 1 to the result if the enemy unit you picked is INFANTRY. For each roll of 6+ the enemy unit you chose suffers a mortal wound.

Fleshcraft: 1 CP

Use this Stratagem at the end of your Movement phase. Select a <HAEMONCULUS COVEN> MONSTER or Grotesque model from your army that is within 3″ of any <HAEMONCULUS COVEN> HAEMONCULUS from your army. The model you selected regains D3 lost wounds.

Fire and Fade: 2 CP

Use this Stratagem after a DRUKHARI unit from your army shoots in your Shooting phase. The unit can immediately move up to 7″ as if it were the Movement phase (it cannot Advance as part of this move). However, it cannot charge in the same turn that it does so.

Cruel Deception: 1 CP

Use this Stratagem if a DRUKHARI unit from your army Falls Back. That unit can still shoot and charge this turn.

The Great Enemy: 1 CP

Until the end of the phase, re-roll failed wound rolls for attacks made by this unit that target SLAANESH units.

Release the Beasts: 1 CP

Use this Stratagem at the start of your Charge phase. Choose a Beastmaster from your army. Until the end of the phase you can re-roll failed charge rolls for units of DRUKHARI BEASTS from your army if they are within 6″ of that Beastmaster when the roll is made.

Hyperstimm Backlash: 2 CP

Use this Stratagem at the start of the battle round. Choose a unit from your army that has the Combat Drugs ability. Until the end of the battle round, the bonus that unit receives from its Combat Drugs is doubled. At the end of the battle round, roll a D6 for each model in that unit. For each roll of 1, that unit suffers a mortal wound. If you use this Stratagem on a model that has the Stimm Addict Warlord Trait and/or the Phial Bouquet Artefact of Cruelty, all its bonuses are doubled but it automatically suffers D3 mortal wounds at the end of the battle round.

Screaming Jets: 1 CP

Use this Stratagem during deployment if you have not used the Webway Portal Stratagem this battle. You can set up a DRUKHARI VEHICLE from your army that can FLY in the sky instead of placing it on the battlefield. It can descend at the end of any of your Movement phases – set it up anywhere on the battlefield more than 9″ from any enemy models. If you use this Stratagem on a TRANSPORT, all units embarked inside it remain so when it is set up in the sky.

Freakish Spectacle: 1 CP

Use this Stratagem when an enemy unit fails a Morale test within 6″ of Urien Rakarth or a <HAEMONCULUS COVEN> unit from your army. One additional model flees from the enemy unit.

The Torturer’s Craft: 2 CP

Use this Stratagem before Urien Rakarth or a <HAEMONCULUS COVEN> unit from your army fights in the Fight phase. Until the end of the phase, you can re-roll failed wound rolls for that unit.

Hunt from the Shadows: 1 CP

Use this Stratagem when a DRUKHARI INFANTRY unit from your army that is receiving the benefit of cover is targeted in the Shooting phase. Until the end of that phase, add 2 to that unit’s saving throws instead of only adding 1 (this does not affect invulnerable saving throws).

Pray they Don’t Take you Alive: 1 CP

Use this Stratagem if a DRUKHARI unit from your army slays the enemy Warlord in the Fight phase. For the remainder of the battle, every model in the enemy army subtracts 1 from its Leadership characteristic.

Soul-Trap: 1 CP

Use this Stratagem when an Archon from your army kills an enemy CHARACTER in the Fight phase. Increase the Attacks, Strength and Leadership characteristics of that Archon by 1 for the remainder of the battle.

Enhanced Aethersails: 1 CP

Use this Stratagem when a Raider or a Ravager from your army Advances. Add 8″ to that model’s Move characteristic for that phase instead of rolling a dice.

Onslaught: 1 CP

Use this Stratagem before an INCUBI unit from your army fights in the Fight phase. Until the end of the phase, each time you roll an unmodified hit roll of 6 for a model in this unit, that attack scores 2 hits instead of 1.

Crucible of Malediction: 2 CP

Use this Stratagem in your Psychic phase. Select a HAEMONCULUS from your army and roll a D6 for each PSYKER unit within 12″ of it; on a 4+ the unit being rolled for suffers D3 mortal wounds. You can only use this Stratagem once per battle.

Torment Grenade: 1 CP

Use this Stratagem before a model from your army fires a phantasm grenade launcher. If an enemy unit is hit by an attack made with this weapon this phase, then, in addition to the usual effects, roll 3D6. If the result is higher than the highest Leadership characteristic in the enemy unit, it suffers D3 mortal wounds.

If your army is Battle-forged and includes any Drukhari Detachments (excluding Auxiliary Support Detachments), you have access to the Stratagems shown here, meaning you can spend Command Points to activate them. These help to reflect the unique strategies used by the Drukhari on the battlefield.

Agents of Vect: 4 CP 

Use this KABAL OF THE BLACK HEART STRATAGEM just after your opponent has spent CPs to use a Stratagem, but before the effects of that Stratagem are resolved. Roll a D6; on a 1 your opponent’s Stratagem is resolved as normal. On a 2-5 your opponent’s CPs are refunded, but the Stratagem they were using is not resolved and cannot be attempted again this phase. On a 6 the Stratagem they were attempting to use is not resolved, cannot be attempted again this phase and the CPs spent are lost. This Stratagem cannot be used to affect Stratagems used ‘before the battle’ or ‘during deployment’.

Insidious Misdirection: 2 CP 

Use this Stratagem at the start of the first battle round, but before the first turn has begun. Pick up to 3 KABAL OF THE POISONED TONGUE units from your army that are on the battlefield; immediately remove these units from the battlefield and then set them up again as described in the Deployment section of your mission (if you redeploy a TRANSPORT, all units embarked inside it remain so when it is set up again). You can only use this Stratagem once per battle.

Failure is not an Option: 1 CP

Use this Stratagem when a KABAL OF THE OBSIDIAN ROSE unit from your army fails a Morale test. Select which models will flee, but before removing them, each can either shoot as if it were the Shooting phase or make a single close combat attack as if it were the Fight phase. If any enemy models are slain by these attacks, none of the models flee from your unit. If no enemy models were slain, the fleeing models are removed as normal.

Masters of the Shadowed Sky: 1 CP

Use this Stratagem when you select a KABAL OF THE FLAYED SKULL unit to shoot with in the Shooting phase. Until the end of the phase, add 1 to hit rolls made for this unit’s attacks that target units that can FLY.

No Method of Death Beyond our Grasp: 3 CP

Use this Stratagem just after a CULT OF STRIFE unit from your army has destroyed an enemy unit in either the Shooting or Fight phase (if used in the Fight phase, use this Stratagem after the attacking unit has consolidated). If the enemy unit was destroyed in the Shooting phase, your unit can immediately shoot an additional time this phase. If the enemy unit was destroyed in the Fight phase, your unit can immediately fight an additional time this phase.

Concealed Booby Traps: 1 CP

Use this Stratagem when an enemy unit finishes a charge move within 1″ of a CULT OF THE CURSED BLADE unit from your army that is wholly on or within a terrain feature. Roll a dice; on a 4+ that enemy unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.

Athletic Aerialsist: 2 CP

Use this Stratagem just before a CULT OF THE RED GRIEF INFANTRY unit consolidates. Instead of moving towards the nearest enemy, the unit consolidates up to 6″ towards the nearest CULT OF THE RED GRIEF TRANSPORT from your army. If all models in the unit end this move within 3″ of the Transport, the unit may immediately embark upon it (if it has sufficient capacity remaining) as if it were the Movement phase, and can do so even if they disembarked from the Transport during the same turn.

Black Cornucopians: 2 CP

Use this Stratagem at the end of your Movement phase. Pick a unit of PROPHETS OF FLESH Wracks from your army and remove it from the battlefield, then set it up again at its full starting strength wholly within 6″ of the edge of the battlefield and more than 9″ from any enemy models.

An Esoteric Kill, Delivered from Afar: 2 CP

Use this Stratagem when you select a DARK CREED unit to shoot with in the Shooting phase. Until the end of the phase, models in that unit can target enemy CHARACTERS even if they are not the closest enemy unit.

Administer Punishment: 1 CP

Use this Stratagem when you select a COVEN OF TWELVE unit from your army to shoot with in the Shooting phase. Until the end of the phase, models in that unit can target enemy units that are within 1″ of friendly COVEN OF TWELVE units, but each time you roll a hit roll of 1 for such an attack, it is instead resolved against one of your COVEN OF TWELVE units that is within 1″ of the target (you decide which). For weapons that hit automatically, roll a D6 for each hit; on a 1-3 that hit is resolved against one of your units, and on a 4+ that hit is resolved against the target. This Stratagem cannot be used if the shooting unit is itself within 1″ of an enemy unit.

Drukhari Unique Items

As of 03-02-2020 Drukhari Unique Item groups are…

  • Artefacts of Cruelty
  • Obsession  Specific Artefacts of Cruelty

(See tabs for details)

If your army is led by a DRUKHARI Warlord, then before the battle you may give one of the following Artefacts of Cruelty to a DRUKHARI CHARACTER. Named characters such as Urien Rakarth already have one or more artefacts and cannot be given any of the following artefacts. Note that some weapons replace one of the character’s existing weapons or items of wargear. Where this is the case, if you are playing a matched play game or are otherwise using points values, you must still pay the cost of the weapon or item of wargear that is being replaced.

Parasite’s Kiss

Model with a splinter pistol only. The Parasite’s Kiss replaces the bearer’s splinter pistol and has the following profile: Parasite’s Kiss R 12″ Pistol 2 * AP-2 D2 Abilities: Poisoned Weapon. Add 2 to wound rolls made for this weapon, unless it is targeting a VEHICLE. Each time this weapon kills an enemy model, the bearer regains 1 lost wound

The Djin Blade

Archon with a huskblade only. The Djin Blade replaces the bearer’s huskblade and has the following profile: The Djin Blade Melee S+1 AP-3 D D3 Abilities: Each time the bearer fights, it can make 2 additional attacks with this weapon. Roll a D6 at the end of each Fight phase in which the bearer attacked using this weapon; on a 1 they suffer a mortal wound.

The Helm of Spite

The bearer can attempt to deny one psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase in the same manner as a PSYKER. In addition, each time the bearer makes a successful Deny the Witch test, the psyker that attempted to manifest that power suffers Perils of the Warp.

The Nightmare Doll:

Haemonculus only. Whenever you make an Inured to Suffering roll  for the bearer, that wound is not lost on a roll of 4+ instead of 6.

The Animus Vitae

The Animus Vitae has the following profile: The Animus Vitae 6″ Grenade 1  S- AP- D- Abilities: You can only use this weapon once per battle. If it hits, the target suffers D3 mortal wounds. If any enemy models are slain by this weapon then, for the remainder of the turn, friendly units with the Power from Pain ability treat the current battle round as being 1 higher than it actually is when determining what bonuses they gain, so long as they remain within 6″ of the bearer. This is cumulative with other, similar effects.

The Triptych Whip

Succubus with agoniser only. The Triptych Whip replaces the bearer’s agoniser and has the following profile: The Triptych Whip Melee S* AP-2 D1 Abilities: Poisoned Weapon. Each time the bearer fights, it can make 3 additional attacks with this weapon.

If your army is led by a DRUKHARI Warlord, then before the battle you may give one of the following Artefacts of Cruelty to a DRUKHARI CHARACTER. Named characters such as Urien Rakarth already have one or more artefacts and cannot be given any of the following artefacts. Note that some weapons replace one of the character’s existing weapons or items of wargear. Where this is the case, if you are playing a matched play game or are otherwise using points values, you must still pay the cost of the weapon or item of wargear that is being replaced.

Writ of the Living Muse

KABAL OF THE BLACK HEART Archon only. Re-roll wound rolls of 1 for friendly KABAL OF THE BLACK HEART units within 6″ of the bearer.


KABAL OF THE POISONED TONGUE Archon with splinter pistol only. Soul-seeker replaces the model’s splinter pistol and has the following profile: Soul-seeker 18″ Pistol 2 S* AP-1 D D3 Abilities: Poisoned Weapon. Add 2 to wound rolls made for this weapon, unless it is targeting a VEHICLE. This weapon can target enemy units that are not visible to the firer and can target enemy CHARACTERS even if they are not the closest enemy model. Units attacked by this weapon do not gain any bonus to their saving throws for being in cover.

The Amour of Misery

KABAL OF THE OBSIDIAN ROSE Archon only. The wearer has a 3+ Save characteristic. In addition, subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks that target the wearer in the Fight phase.

The Obsidian Veil

KABAL OF THE FLAYED SKULL Archon only. The first time this model fails its invulnerable save and its shadowfield ceases to function, it immediately gains a 4+ invulnerable save for the remainder of the battle.

The Phial Bouquet

CULT OF STRIFE Succubus only. Roll a D6 at the start of each battle round to randomly determine a Combat Drug from the table on page 87. Until the start of the next battle round, this model gains that bonus in addition to any other Combat Drug bonuses they have (duplicate results are cumulative).

Traitor’s Embrace

CULT OF THE CURSED BLADE Succubus only. Roll a D6 if the bearer is slain in the Fight phase. On a 2+ the unit that killed this model suffers D6 mortal wounds after it has finished making all of its attacks.

Traitor’s Embrace

CULT OF THE CURSED BLADE Succubus only. Roll a D6 if the bearer is slain in the Fight phase. On a 2+ the unit that killed this model suffers D6 mortal wounds after it has finished making all of its attacks.

The Blood Glaive

CULT OF THE RED GRIEF Succubus with archite glaive only. The Blood Glaive replaces the bearer’s archite glaive and has the following profile: The Blood Glaive Melee S+3 AP-3 D D3

The Vexator Mask

PROPHETS OF FLESH Haemonculus only. Enemy units cannot fire overwatch at the bearer. In addition, at the start of each Fight phase, select an enemy unit within 6″ of the bearer. That unit cannot fight until all other units that are able to have done so. If the unit has an ability that allows it to fight first in the Fight phase, it instead fights as if it did not have this ability. If both players have units that cannot fight until all other unit have done so, then alternate choosing which of those units to fight with, starting with the player whose turn is taking place.

Spirit Sting

DARK CREED Haemonculus with stinger pistol only. Spirit-sting replaces the bearer’s stinger pistol and has the following profile: Spirit-sting 12″ Pistol 3 S* AP-4 D1 Abilities: Poisoned Weapon. Add 2 to wound rolls made for this weapon, unless it is targeting a VEHICLE. Invulnerable saves cannot be taken against this weapon.

The Flensing Blade

COVEN OF TWELVE Haemonculus only. The Flensing Blade replaces the model’s Haemonculus tools and has the following profile: The Flensing Blade Melee S* AP-2 D D3 Abilities: Poisoned Weapon. Add 1 to wound rolls made for this weapon, unless it is targeting a VEHICLE. Increase this weapon’s Damage characteristic to 3 when attacking enemy CHARACTERS.

Drukhari Warlord Traits


As of 03-02-2020 Drukhari Warlord Trait groups are…

  • Universal Warlord Traits
  • Kabal Warlord Traits
  • Wych Cult Warlord Traits
  • Haemonculus Cover Warlord Traits

(See tabs for details)

If your Warlord is a Character, it can use a Warlord trait. Choose your Warlord Trait immediately before either player stats to deploy their army

Legendary Fighter: 

If this Warlord charges in the Charge phase, add 1 to their Attack’s characteristic until the end of the ensuing Fight phase.

Inspiring Leader: 

Friendly units within 6″ of this Warlord can add 1 to their Leadership characteristic.

Tenacious Survivor:

Roll a dice each time this Warlord loses a wound. On a 6, does not lose the wound.

If a Drukhari Character is your Warlord, they can generate a Warlord Trait from the appropriate table below (depending on whether they have the <KABAL>, <WYCH CULT> or <HAEMONCULUS COVEN> keyword) instead of the one in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. You can either roll on the table to randomly generate a Warlord Trait, or you can select the one that best suits their temperament and preferred style of waging war.

Hatred Eternal:

You can re-roll failed wound rolls for this Warlord.

Soul Thirst:

Add 1 to this Warlord’s Attacks characteristic in any turn in which they charged, were charged or made a Heroic Intervention. In addition, this Warlord regains 1 lost wound each time they slay an enemy model in the Fight phase.

Ancient Evil: 

The opposing player must roll an extra dice when taking Morale tests for units within 3″ of this Warlord and use the highest result.

If you wish, you can pick a Warlord Trait from the list below instead of using one of the three Drukhari Warlord Traits tables on the previous page, but only if your Warlord is from the relevant Kabal, Wych Cult or Haemonculus Coven.

Labyrinthine Cunning: 

Whilst your KABAL OF THE BLACK HEART Warlord is alive, roll a D6 each time you or your opponent spends a Command Point to use a Stratagem; you gain one Command Point for each roll of a 6.

Towering Arrogance: 

Friendly KABAL OF THE POISONED TONGUE units can use this Warlord’s Leadership whilst they are within 12″ of them.

Deathly Perfectionist: 

Increase the Damage characteristic of weapons (other than Artefacts of Cruelty) used by this KABAL OF THE OBSIDIAN ROSE Warlord by 1.

Famed Savagery: 

Increase this KABAL OF THE FLAYED SKULL Warlord’s Strength and Attacks characteristics by 1 during any turn in which they charged, were charged or made a Heroic Intervention.


If a Drukhari Character is your Warlord, they can generate a Warlord Trait from the appropriate table below (depending on whether they have the <KABAL>, <WYCH CULT> or <HAEMONCULUS COVEN> keyword) instead of the one in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. You can either roll on the table to randomly generate a Warlord Trait, or you can select the one that best suits their temperament and preferred style of waging war.

Quicksilver Fighter:

This Warlord always fights first in the Fight phase, even if they didn’t charge. If the enemy has units that charged, or that have a similar ability, then alternate choosing units to fight with, starting with the player whose turn is taking place.

Stimm Addict:

Before the battle, when determining the bonus this Warlord receives from its Combat Drugs ability, roll two dice instead of one and apply both results (duplicate results are cumulative). Alternatively, you can pick two different bonuses to apply to this Warlord.

Precision Blows: 

Each time you roll a wound roll of 6+ for this Warlord in the Fight phase, the target suffers a mortal wound in addition to the normal damage.

If you wish, you can pick a Warlord Trait from the list below instead of using one of the three Drukhari Warlord Traits tables on the previous page, but only if your Warlord is from the relevant Kabal, Wych Cult or Haemonculus Coven.

Blood Dancer: 

Each time you roll a hit roll of 6+ for this Warlord in the Fight phase, that hit scores 3 hits instead of 1.

Hyper-swift Reflexes: 

Add 1 to invulnerable saving throws made for this CULT OF RED GRIEF Warlord.

Treacherous Deceiver: 

Each time you roll an unmodified saving throw of 6 for this CULT OF THE CURSED BLADE Warlord in the Fight phase, the enemy unit that made that attack suffers a mortal wound after it has resolved all of it attacks.

If a Drukhari Character is your Warlord, they can generate a Warlord Trait from the appropriate table below (depending on whether they have the <KABAL>, <WYCH CULT> or <HAEMONCULUS COVEN> keyword) instead of the one in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. You can either roll on the table to randomly generate a Warlord Trait, or you can select the one that best suits their temperament and preferred style of waging war.

Master Regenesist:

This Warlord regains D3 lost wounds at the start of each of your turns.

Master Nemesine:

Add 1 to wound rolls made for this Warlord in the Fight phase.

Master Artisan: 

Re-roll Inured to Suffering rolls of 1 for friendly <HAEMONCULUS COVEN> models within 6″ of this Warlord.

If you wish, you can pick a Warlord Trait from the list below instead of using one of the three Drukhari Warlord Traits tables on the previous page, but only if your Warlord is from the relevant Kabal, Wych Cult or Haemonculus Coven.

Diabolical Soothsayer: 

Once per battle, you can re-roll a single hit roll, wound roll, saving throw or damage roll for your PROPHETS OF FLESH Warlord. In addition, if your army is Battle-forged, roll a D3 before the battle begins; you gain a number of additional Command Points equal to the result.

Fear Incarnate: 

Roll 2D6 for each enemy unit that is within 3″ of your THE DARK CREED Warlord at the start of the Fight phase. If the result exceeds the highest Leadership characteristic in that unit, it suffers a mortal wound.

Scarlet Epicurean: 

Reduce all damage inflicted on your SCARLET EPICUREAN Warlord by 1 (to a minimum of 1). For example, if your Warlord fails a saving throw against a weapon that inflicts 3 damage, he will only lose 2 wounds.

Drukhari Resources


Winning Drukhari Lists of 8th edition

2017 Drukhari Lists

2018 Drukhari Lists

  1. John Paul Mawet 1st Overall Storm of Silence 2018
  2. Matthew Allee 1st Overall The Alamo GT 2018
  3. Nick Gower 2nd Overall The Alamo GT 2018
  4. Herb Shaffer 2nd Overall Scorched Earth Open 2018
  5. Dan Sammons 1st Overall Bugeater GT 2018
  6. Brady Crumb 2nd Overall TBMC ITC GT 2018
  7. Archon Skari 1st Overall TBMC ITC GT 2018
  8. Jeff Biery 1st Overall GCWA 2018
  9. Sean Sullivan 3rd Overall Maelstrom XI 2018
  10. Lewis Stolburg 1st Overall Beef & Wing Brawl 2018
  11. Nick Gower 1st Overall Dallas Open 2018
  12. Matthew Allee 3rd Overall Dallas Open 2018
  13. Martin McNeil 2nd Overall Warzone Mann 2018
  14. Mathew Allee 1st Overall Warzone Houston GT 2018
  15. John-Paul Mawet 3rd Overall TSHFT 40K Championship 2018
  16. Devin Swann 1st Overall TABLETOP GAMING EXPO 2018
  17. Nick Gower 1st Overall Grimdark GT 2018
  18. Alexis Putt 3rd Overall Warzone Giga-Bites 2018
  19. Ridvan Cyr-Martinez 1st Overall Capital City Bloodbath 2018
  20. Eric Hoerger 1st Overall Crithit Grandslam 2018
  21. Jimmy Pettersson 2nd Overall Westeros ITC VIII 2018
  22. Mael Belcourt 2nd Overall Warzone Montreal GT 2018
  23. Lance Naumann 2nd Overall Dakka Kon 2018
  24. Jason Watts 3rd Overall Warzone Come The Apocalypse GT 2018
  25. Sean Sullivan 3rd Overall Fields of Blood 2018
  26. Jeff Biery 2nd Overall Crucible 7 2018
  27. Sean Sullivan 1st Overall Warpstorm XI 2018
  28. Christoph Fielder 2nd Overall Malmo Wargaming Weekend 2018
  29. Alex Aquila 3rd Overall SoCal Open 2018
  30. Corwyn Frierson 3rd Overall Overall Power 9 Games Warhammer 40k GT 2018
  31. Red Powell 1st Overall Warzone Atlanta 2018
  32. Eric Hoerger 1st Overall Allies of Convenience Wales GT 2018
  33. Staffan Thoren 2nd Overall Games of Westeros V 2018

2019 Drukhari Lists

  1. Sean Dilley 1st Overll New Year Knockout 2019
  2. David Calder 3rd Overall Scottish Take Over 2019
  3. Francesco Z 2nd Overall The LWG Open Winter Warfare 2019
  4. Boris Michev 1st Overall Gibraltar 40k GT 2019
  5. Boris Michev 3rd Overall Into the Hellstorm 2 2019
  6. Chris Jubell 1st Overall Oz-Con 2019
  7. Ridvan Martinez The Stud or Scrub 40k Open GT 2019
  8. Torey Peet The Stud or Scrub 40k Open GT 2019
  9. Jason Smith 1st Overall Siege The Tower GT 2019
  10. Patrick Aultice 3rd Overall Siege The Tower GT 2019
  11. Giulio Cesare Ghermandi 3rd Overall Fun and Fluff Tournament 2019
  12. Gabe Dellolio 1st Overall Terracon 2019 Dark Eldar
  13. Ridvan Martinez 1st Overall Hooded Goblin GT 2019 Dark Eldar
  14. Alex Aquila 2nd Overall Stay in Your Lane 2019 Dark Eldar
  15. Jeremy Lefebvre 2nd Overall Desert Rat GT 2019 Dark Eldar
  16. Jonathan Blake 1st Overall GK Open The Uno 2019 – Drukhari
  17. Ben Tilford 1st Overall Summer Hull GT 2019 – Drukhari
  18. Lord Murray Knox 3rd Overall 40k Veteran’s 2019 – Drukhari
  19. Henning Eksteen 1st Overall 40k Veteran’s 2019 – Drukhari
  20. Mark Crombleholme 1st Overall Warzone Mann 2019 – Drukhari
  21. Mark Crombleholme 1st Overall Summer Slam GT 2019 – Drukhari
  22. Pontus Jonasson 2nd Overall MFF Summer Slam 2019 – Drukhari
  23. Scott De Wynter-Wilkie 3rd Overall Board Room Brawl 2019 – Drukhari
  24. John Baecker 2nd Overall Battle for Maryland 2019 – Drukhari
  25. Bethany Taylor 2nd Overall The Hellstorm 3 2019 – Drukhari
  26. Oscar Lemming 1st Overall Games of Westeros VII 2019 – Drukhari
  27. Joe Maylam 1st Overall LWG Summer Slaughter2019 – Drukhari
  28. Rasmus Valand Fredriksen 1st Overall Invasion Championships2019 – Drukhari
  29. Nick Gower 2nd Overall Iron Halo 2019 – Drukhari
  30. JT McDowell 2nd Overall Kipper’s Melee 2019 – Drukhari
  31. Ridvan Martinez 1st Overall Hooded Goblin GT 2019 – Drukhari

2020 Drukhari Lists

    1. Ridvan Martinez 2nd Overall Critical Hit GT 2020 – Drukhari