I have always been decidedly meh about the NovaOpen, I am not on the other hand meh about the great podcast 11th Company podcast. The 11th Company is doing Ustream coverage for the entire NovaOpen. So you can see cheating at the invitational, then you can see people cheat at the finals– it should be a glorious! All kidding aside the 11th Company does do a great covering the event even if the event does have problems.
This will be the first 6th edition event covered live and if people do “cheat” really don’t get up in arms about it, because you cannot expect all the WAAC or non WAAC players to know the rules at this point really. So here is a little blurb about the coverage.
Next week, the 11th Company will be live video broadcasting the top tables at the Nova Open starting next week Thursday roughly at 4PM Eastern time. http://www.ustream.tv/user/
the11thcompany We will have the players wear wireless mics, so you can hear their discussions during their game. We will have between game interviews with various attendees and guests, and have the channel open for players wanting to broadcast their game live before and after the tournaments during open gaming. Please join us in the chat room while watching the broadcasts live Thursday August 30th – Sunday September 2nd, or catch the archived broadcasts after the event.
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