Instead of Pain-ting the rest of that prism I got caught up trying to sort out my Army list/s

This first one I am unlikely to use any time soon , Should be a solid reserves denial list ,8 tanks and 2 vypers @ 1750, plenty of ranged and close in AT  a good dose of str 6 spam I would have liked a fourth scoring unit but cannot see a way of squeezing it in a falcon with DAVU would be good but I’m not prepared to drop the prisms, I will think on it …….. this is possibly the most competitive of the lists when used well , did this more as an exercise in list building.

Autarch + Melta with 5 Dragons in serpent with cat upgrade and TL cannons

Autarch+ Melta with 5 Dragons in serpent with cat upgrade and TL cannons

6 Dragons in serpent with cat upgrade and TL cannons

5 Avengers in a serpent with Tl Brightlance + cat upgrade

5 Avengers in a serpent with Tl Brightlance + cat upgrade

5 Avengers in a serpent with Tl Brightlance + cat upgrade

2 Vypers with Cat upgrade + scatter laser (wondering if a third prism is a better option….)

Prism + cannon

Prism + cannon

Up next is the List I will most likely run for tourney this year , I’ll have to do something else similar for the tourneys that do not allow special characters (boo his), on the plus side I wont see he’stan  or Lysander or Ghaz either,  Goody Gumdrops

This is still likely to get jiggled somewhat

Eldrad (as himself)

Yriel (As Q’Sandria or She’yriel Warlautarch of Ulthwe)

6 Dragons in serpent with Full Cannons

6 Dragons + Exarch with Crack (pipe) in serpent with full cannons

6 Dragons + Exarch with Crack in serpent with full cannons

9 Avengers + Exarch + 2xcats+ bladestorm in serpent + full cannons

9 Avengers + Exarch + 2xcats+ bladestorm in serpent + full cannons



And Finally My fluffy theme Army , a bit of a nod to the Ulthwe strike force , I Love Reapers (even if they do suck the fat one atm)


Ra (Sir)

Stormies +2xFlamer + Warlock+Destructor in Shuriserpent

Davu squad in TL BL + cannon serpent

Davu squad in TL BL + cannon serpent

7 Dragons in Shuriserpent

6 Dragons in Shuriserpent (Eldrad goes here@ 1750)

5 Reapers with Exarch +Tempest + crack

Prism + cannon

Prism + Cannon

Also @ 2k by dropping the Shuricannons on the Prism’s and the odd Dragon I can Fit in

5 Warlocks 3x Destructor 1x Enhance 1x Embolden in a Shuriserpent

I actually quite like this list, its going to be fun trying to win with it and coming up with creative ways of getting the most out of Ra/ the Reapers.

Procrastinating over, back to the grind………. after a whiskey (It IS friday night ?)

Well decided to throw some paint at the prism while I drank me pop, here it is with some flat colours on it, bear with me on the canopies, i have something cooking for that……

Edit/Update , and here is what I had cooking