El Diablo from Mindofthedeamon is on his way down for a visit. I was actually sick of proxying two 3rds of my DE force, especislly when I had Commoragh in my cupboard since Nov/Crimbo.
So in spite of my new job I got on with some assembly Thursday and Friday night and completed two raiders. Since then has been a bit of a blur but I have since finished more models than I need for the 1750 list I will be taking on EL D with. Its currently a mystery what he’ll be bringing , either his Death guard or the new Sanguinary guard list ….
In other News, Ima throw it out there , but I feel the disintegrator has its place in the DE army, to that end I have swapped out two dark lances for some desinti-love on my Trueborn gunwagons, desperately want to try a desinti Ravager (or three), my heart says yes but my head says no , perhaps when GK are being played by the bandwagon brigade , they are to be discouraged after all ……
My back is killing me and my fingers are stabbed full o holes , think I’ll hold of on the painting for a few days, lol
Some not terribly exciting pictures, just to prove I am not full of yak dung.
BTW , i do actually just run my trueborn in 4’s , but they look lame like that , the leader and dark lance are mostly for show , though I intend to try out the DL”s so made the models anyway , Im one DL short of having two for each squad , anyone have/know someone with a spare ?
Ill be back with a bit of a bat rep and maybe some pictures on Tuesday night, laters folks
I like the trueborn/reaver heads. I do the same thing on my trueborn, it looks great. Using your inspiration for the trueborn/reaver head for the raider gunner, I think a magnetized head for the gunner would be optimal. Then you could have magnetized incubi, trueborn, warrior, or wyche heads for the bow gunner. Are you skipping the hangers-on? can’t wait to see some paint on the minions.
Looks like you are making good progress. Anyway as to the Disintegrator if you enough support elsewhere see no problem in throwing them. Just keep it in reserve so it can come out to kill dudes that have been left out in the open from you popping tanks.
I tried a disintegrator ravager a bit and decided to go back to the dark lance version. It did okay, but wasn’t as overall useful. I did like it enough to switch two of my raiders over to dissies though.
That being said, if I weren’t so lazy I would magnetize the ravagers.
Nice to see you Sick Elves make the leap from sprue to table top.
… may I ask where you got your extra blasters?
The magic man of giftie gifts, they ain’t for sale anywhere if thats what your asking, and I do not know anyone who would either, sorry I can’t be more help.
My magic man fell through… I was really gutted.
Nevermind, I’ll sort it myself probably.