In the sweaty darkness of the Empyrean games-club there is only the dumb …..

As promised Big Steve came up for a visit , turns out he bought up his Death guard to have a go on my evil space fairies. lets just say it was ‘interesting’ , enjoy…..


Ok so WordPress is a steaming pile of shite , here is a link for you while I sort out the stupid fruitless needless pointless life-sucking, technical issues.





Duke Sliscus

Baron Sathonyx

6 Incubi in a raider with torment launchers and a shock prow.

4 Trueborn with blasters in a raider with desintigrator

4 Trueborn with blasters in a raider with desintigrator

9 warriors with blaster in a raider with splinter racks

14 Hellions

6 reavers with champ + 2 heat lances

6 reavers with champ + 2 heat lance




Death guard 1750

Daemon prince with MoN , wings and Warp time.

4 Termies , 3 combi melta’s ,heavy flamer, chainfinst, Lightning claw, 2 pow weps.

7 plague marines, with fisty champ, 2 x meltas in rhino

7 plague marines, with fisty champ, 2 x meltas in rhino

7 plague marines, with fisty champ, 2 x plasma in rhino

7 plague marines, with fisty champ, 2 x flamers (in landraider)

land raider

Vindicator with , possession and combi bolter.

We had plenty offun doing this and are considering more video content.