Yeah, JG , or GOD as he’s correctly referred to round these parts must be snorting into his beer high on the amount of pain points clearly earned from me this weekend, you twisted fuck! (I knew we would get on) again the Ravager sucked me dry, its like an eternal limbo of never ending non-progress, still on a positive note , No more vehicles for this 1750army .
The third one I own thats still boxed is getting traded for a Void, two is enough for me, I like being able to cycle at least one Void/Razor/Reaper/whatever in and out and if I ever have to paint another my brain shall be rendered unto vegetable matter…
Down to six models for the army , 4 Trueborn will be getting pushed out in the evenings this week leaving the weekend clear for back-to-back Characters, hopefully giving me 5 days of blissful nothing /Bernard Cornwell’s new book. Deus Ex is planned for post tourney ;o)
In other News Frontline Gamer took me through my first larger Infinity game so I could see TAGS at work. It was fun me like, though my dicefail has made the leap cross-system and saw me bumble to death my two most important models with some Lol-tastic runs of dice. *sigh* does not matter what system, if I need high I roll low, if I need low I roll high, I think I can safely say I did some bad things in a previous life.
I’m also going to do a review on the Infinity books at some point because they are luscious Nerd-Porn and I wanna share !
They look really good. Worth the effort!
Nice. Schemes with this much black in them never look quite finished, but the sheen and the precision highlighting on these compensate for that about as well as can be done.
It was the armour rolls on the TAG that blew it for you… how can you not roll 5+ on a D20 twice in a row? I reckon you were a mass kitten murderer in a previous life!!! Looking good on the olde paint work as always.
Yeah, lol I think you hit the nail on the head….
Just saw the rules for Autocannons in infinity, I think I may have to get one for plugging your immortal asuras ;o)
So frontline gamers gaming room strikes again!! it cursed up there!! heard you enjoyed the game, i’m busy putting Micro art buildings together, i though 4 were enough trying to resist. Also which Royal British Legion is your club based at?
Its the Solihull one, bout 2 mins walk from the store, near the hospital, Ill be getting someProxfinity on later today.
I really like the muted black- very flat and solid. I’ve found, with my Black Templars, that adding some extra details of different colors really brings the model together.
Heh, I’m guessing you think I should put more detail on the black, for me there is enough going on as is, it is supposed to be a limited pallette anyway :o)
At Sorrowshard… stuff the proxying… Frontline Gamer to the rescue. I’ll be down with Tapper and we’ll bring you guys our mini’s to use!!! 😉 I’ll help you with the intros as well if you like.
Ah, you legend , cheers for dragging your good selves down , seems the infinity spark might catch light down there, Andy was asking about boxed sets etc
Gutted I could not squeeze a game tonight but I now have a set of rules to really comb through when all this horrible painting is out tha way.
Seems Saturday shall be reserved for other things….