Well, its taken a while but I’m pleased to showcase the latest completed commission. Twolves were built/sculpted by El Diablo then shipped over to me for the painty painty.

It was all shipped out in a rush so I did not get any final pics, a further layer of snow was added and the base edges tidied up, these were sent to the client as he was gagging for pictures when he heard they were essentially done….

Pretty booked up on commissions atm but I can prob find some slots for single figs if anyone wants something nice.

I’m not enjoying 40k atm and I don’t like DE in 6th, I think it’s going to take the rose tint posse a while to realize Β DE are going to be wank all through 6th.

Subsequently, I am loosly thinking about selling The invidious Requiem and not playing 40k anymore, though I’ll continue with comissions.

If someone makes a good enough offer I’ll have to seriously consider it. I’m not going to actively advertise them or put it out there but I think I’ll start by flogging most of Β the unpainted stuff .

So if you would like what has been called ‘the best DE army out there’ and have buckets of cash, come at me with your offer bro !