Back again, been busy as all hell recently, parents have been visiting for two days, passed bike test on thurs in what can only be described as a biblical storm… no minors clean sheat, can I get a hell yeah ?!
OFC someone had to ruin it eventually and GW delivered. In spades. My disappointment stems from this, my bias to DE aside, 6th has the makings of an interesting game, I like alot of what they are trying for in there. DE took some knocks in the core rules which to some degree I had hoped could be fixed with an appropriate FAQ.
Agonisers simply cannot justify their cost, clearly overpriced now (they were anyway) huskblade (on its str3 platform) is never going to justify it’s cost, Vect himself may as well stay at home with his Failmobile, the inevitable deluge  of 2+ characters renders him pointless for his cost in fact I can’t be bothered to go on, clearly very little thought has been put into the faq at all I fear a deluge of vendetta/hydra armies with 2+ save allied characters and termies is probably on the cards. frankly it’s dogshit and I have lost the will to do anything with my army, I have no enthusiasm to even start trying to play 6th
I was really hoping alot of my questions about the book would be answered by 6th/faq but tbh I am more confused than ever… 6th was make it or break it for me and I think I’m done with it, I’ll prob finish my DE collection and simply display it, I’m not wasting time trying to play a game I wont enjoy playing, If I cant play with DE I wont enjoy it, another army is not an option allies as a crutch just leaves a sour taste in my mouth I had been using seers and dragons as a crutch for my eldar for most of 5th , having to use that same crutch on what is essentially a new army is BS, sure I would do it in casual games for a laugh so I can mix my collections sometimes but I wanted a DE army not Rainbow Crutchdar.
Guess my hobby budgets going on bike stuff now…
I’m not sure this post really conveys to you all just how angry, disappointed, sad and confused this all makes me. I have put alot of love into my DE and was hoping 6th would give me the kick I needed to finish painting everything and actually enjoy games again.
I think other than continuing to do comission paintwork I might just get out of the mini wargaming hobby .
On the plus side I forsee potential for a cracking new youtube Hitler rant , hopefully someone will do it or has done it already.
Rant off*
Dude, take a 6 month break from the hobby and come back with fresh eyes. I’ve followed your blog for awhile and it seems like you’ve had a shit storm of bad luck hit you this past year. Hopefully after a good long break your love of the hobby might transcend the short term misgivings of 6th edition.
I’m trying to steer clear of 6th Edition before I go away for two weeks. I don’t want to end up depressing myself before I go away. 😛
That and I want to read it with fresh eyes and judge it properly for myself… we might have to get the brain trust together buddy and dissect it properly. There’s a lot of eulogising and doom mongering in equal measure going on it seems to me. So the reality is probably somewhere in the middle.
I only stopped by to say congratulations on the bike test… and yes the rain was AWFUL that day. Our road flooded… and it’s on a hill.
Man, i thought you wanted to come down befor you write the article 😉
No really, take a set back, like others have said, for a few month and then see what has happend. i think you see 6th edition just with to shitty eyes.
sure the agoniser isn’t pricy anymore, but ask those nids player how they liked that weapon? it was THE bane of MC. just too good. Now its just a good weapons against MEQ. e,g.Great against Bikes, and i think bikes will be seem more often.
The Huskblade on the other hand. Boy. even i can not justify it’s price anymore…. and that should mean something.
Funny thing is the regular PW. Model it as an Axe, and you have your DS2. well with shitty ini 1 but you still have your 2++ and you are at S4 without CD. Take a Soul Trap, challange and kill someone, charge the Soul Trap and swap to your Djinn Blade, and go rampage on regular MEQ Dudes.
It may not me your style but this is how i will have to change. Change ist hard, but come back in some time and try out some games. there are many things in there that enhance the gaming experience. the way missions work is great and interesting.
so do us a favor and come down, go out with your bike, congratz by the way! and just go easy on 6th. I don’t want my secound blog post to be about how we lost a good blogger.
Holy shit dude, whine much? Why not try actually playing the game first before you judge it.
what’s with the 40k commissars popping up anytime someone has something negative to say about 6th, even when it’s justified? Christ everybody acts like 6th is the second coming of Christ and if you don’t fall in line you’re just an whiny ass. GW makes, at best, mediocre games. But for decades they were in effect the only game in town meaning all the GW fanbois are so used to the abuse they rarely even try anything else. The cult of GW is characterized by the attitude that no matter how shit their rules, how much they fuck an army over, or how high their prices get, how long it takes a codex to get updated, they’re still the b3st3st! I played Dark Eldar too and overall they got the hardest nerf in the game. I don’t need to play the game to see that. There’s no use continuing to give money to a company that in no way supports the products you purchase from them.
But the thing is, the latest edition is always going to destroy the game. Heard the same thing about 5th. And that edition didn’t destroy it and I don’t think 6th won’t either. Sure, if someone loses their geist over the new edition but flying into a rant before even playing it? A bit harsh I would say.
I don’t think that its the 40k Commissars that are the problem, and I for one am more than happy to hear criticism of the game.
However until you have tried playing it, its hard to justify a rage quit. Try a game or two, try playing it against your friends in a friendly enviroment to make your decision.
Sure if you don’t like the rumours dont buy the rulebook, if you have bought the rulebook then you are wasting money to not at least try playing the game.
*the crowd goes wild*
Send me your address for a prize, I literally did not have the energy to respond to that moron, you literally did it for me = win
Ignore the criticism dude, I feel ya. I own an Iyanden wraithwall army and had begun collecting dark eldar models in anticipation of being able to breathe some new life into an outdated build via webway portals. Not only have they specifically disallowed this concept, they’ve also nerfed the portals for my straight DE webway list by disallowing charges. Couple that with Farseers being mastery level 1 and singing spears being Str 3 plus 2d6 pen against vehicles (wow, Yriel is SO worth taking now!) and I too am rage quitting. I’m so, so sick of xenos players receiving a huge middle finger for having a cool trick not found in marine codices.
The Eldar codex could fix it, cause if you look at the Necrons (who are Xenos by the way) they are doing pretty well by this edition, and it could (not the word) be a sign of things to come.
So much whining….
So few words ….. something constructive ? how about “your post is not a valid complaint because of X Y Z , which means you are just a whiner”
If my complaint is valid , which I think it is , then unless you can offer some geniune light on why DE are good/worthwhile etc your’e just a douche, guessing you don’t play DE ?
Go do it a few times then come back .
Congrats on passing your bike test but Try playing a few games before quitting
Having read the rules slowly over a day and a buy, as a DE player there are pros and cons… Big Pro, Dark Glances will be useful… And of they pen will devastate… DE bikes now have the fallback move which is nice… The webway faq is stupid… Big con for me is the lack of FAQ to allow use of dodge when recieving snap fire charging in…. If uv worked hard enough to get them there the last thing U want is fire going in on a 6+ save, no matter how minimal, v.harsh…
Mixed so far, but want to have a couple of games to see how I go with it….
also, after reading the rules for the power weapons/DE Codex… the entry for the agoniser states that they come in a “variety of forms, the most common are whips or barbed flails”…. however if you really want to, you can model it as an Axe/Halberd and take the Initiative hit but get the +2 strength and AP2 for it being a power Axe if you really wanted….. that could be quite entertaining….
I want the little rule book, so I won’t be playing 6th till September apparently. That’ll leave me plenty of time to see what the wide wide world of geekdom (or rather just my local group) thinks of 6th ed. & whether or not I ought to bother with it.
Infantry is great now dude (wyches for one), give it a try. I think you might WANT to be done with this game though… in you’re latest posts your subconscious is screaming “I want to be done with this game!”
And hey, some things are up for you… you’ll be getting Jink for that new bike of yours!
I have played them now several times. They are not very good. Wyches still get chewed up to shooting, raiders are more fragile than ever before. A 5+ invulnerable or 4+ cover did nothing for that in 5th and being able to be glanced to death in 6th certainly doesn’t make them more survivable. making an agonizer an axe largely defeats the purpose of high I infantry. I tried. Even a shadow field will only last so long when your toughness is 3 so nearly every standard infantry gun in the game can wound you on 3+ and your transports get toasted on the first or second turn, and you are striking last in combat. The new assault/fleet interaction does not actually net you that much more assault distance, even with choice of rerolls. And I still would fail 5″ assaults. Nightfight means jackshit to all Imperial armies, which is most of my opponents. the 5+ FnP versus power weapons? Who fucking cares? It’s 5+. Plus str 6 still negates it. This edition hosed dark eldar. That’s from experience.
Let’s look at everything you said and how you were wrong:
#1. Wyches still get chewed up be shooting? What did you think the rules would change it? They stayed the same and you are whining about it.
#2. Raiders are more fragile that before? What are you smoking? Now if they are being shot with AP 3 or worse weapons they have one less chance of being destroyed on the damage table than in 5th edition. They now get a 5+ cover save all of the time so you do not have to pay for flickerfields any more. Your raiders also use to be able to be killed by one glancing shot and now they can’t. If you are worried about hull points do you think a raider could survive 3 glancing or penetrating shots in 5th edition?
#3. You want a power axe? Why? You think the best way to kill terminators was in assault? DE have a rare army that has access to a ton of AP2 weaponry as well as torrent of fire that can shot down any unit that has a 2+ save and everyone is crying about not being able to do it in assault. Really?
#4. You are crying because you are the only army that can see in the dark, and there is a lot more night fight and you are upset that a few imperials have searchlights?
The only thing that got nerfed was WWP. Everything else got better (splinter rifles), or changed (for example FNP is only on a 5+, but you can use it on power weapons and AP 1 and 2 shooting)
Um, really? 1. Raiders can be tormented down by STR 4 even more assuredly than they could in 5th, as with Venoms. Thus wyches will have a higher probability of hoofing it. Flickerfields barely were worth it in 5th for a 5+. 3. I don’t want a power axe, the only means for us to get ap 2 in cc is by modeling an axe for an agonizer. Sure we can use ranged weapons for that and ignore their vehicles. 4. We can see in the dark, effectively so can all imperials…so night fighting is pointless…I don’t know why I had to say that. Night fighting would have aided us…except that night fighting will be pointless. And of course I will complain if, as a poor college student the vehicles I saved for and large parts of my army are effectively invalidated. Not just complain but not play. I don’t have the money for it. Why is it that only GW fanboys think that’s strange?
Also beasts are even better all of a sudden, which would be great if not for the PRICE, eleventy billion pounds for a full unit ? I’ll pass thx GW you greedy fuckers.
before wyches could be delivered into CC quite often in the first turn without being shot and a turn two charge was always inevitable, they used to get 4+ cover and a 4+ FNP most of the time when I ran them, sure they got better at killing vehicles, so did everyone else/thing.
the str 4 hits to passengers in all transports is very painful, especilly with nerfed FNP, the only people who benfitted from the fnp changes were t4 and with 2+ and 3+ saves. the FNP changes are actually a big nerf for DE.
necrons effectively ignore night fight , and yeah expect to see searchlights everywhere, in fact Crons are going to be everwhere, the new edition pushed them from good to broken, you’ll see…
fliers? they’re cheap and the dark eldar ones are particularly good at shooting down other fliers (AP 2, lance for non-DE players out there). As for skyfire, what do you want me to say? it’s a rock paper scissors thing.
Did they get nerfed? yes. Are they unplayable? I dunno, but I doubt it.
Cant share transports…..white dwarf was full of shit thank god
You do realize that every army got a power weapon nerf, not just de, right? By design it looks like ap2 cc weapons are supposed to be relatively rare.
yup every army got a power wep nerf, cept every army with 2+ saves and especially 2+ save characters just got a massive boost whilst all my basic characters are shit, the challenge rules mean I might as well not bother.
vect is a massive waste of points now (not that I ever thought he should just be a beatstick) yeah so rare they saw fit to give crons a t5 character with 2+ save availabilty and 3++ not to mention get back up, AND for some unknown reason they made the warscythe AP1 FFS! it was too cheap for what it does anyway, now douche canoes are even worse….
Eh, terminators were overpriced before. NOBODY took them who wanted to even get close to winning. it’s 200 points for 5 models… without any upgrades. BTW they’re still just as vulnerable to shooting.
I fully realise that, but an agoniser is worht no more than any other power weapon, please expalin why I must pay 25 points for one ?
Imperial armies get str4 forceweapons essentially free why must I pay 35 points for a str 3 pseudo force weapon ?
We hardly used any of the DE wargear anyway, that list has shrunk further.
There sure is a lot of negativity here! I think it’s so easy to just focus on the things that have hampered your army, especially if it’s quite pivotal to your playing style (WWP obviously took a big hit!).
I just remember when I first started playing DE, I got absolutely hammered for ages until I worked out the things that were effective and then tweaked the combinations until finally I had an army list that won slightly more than it lost. I really enjoyed those discoveries and took great pleasure when all the pieces eventually fit together. That’s what I reckon will happen now, wyches look absolutely class now against vehicles and with all those splinter shots, enemy infantry shouldn’t be an issue. We have the best flyers in the game IMO and so there is a lot to be excited about.
Give it time, the things you’ve come to rely on might not look to good at the moment but there is going to be a lot of different players and armies in the same boat and so it’s the perfect time to enjoy building that army up again. I hope everyone enjoys doing it and share the findings!
Oh yeah, how good does Drahzar look now, Vect better watch his back!
I think the big issue you will have with 6th is the big issue I had with 5th. 5th ed for me was the death of building armies for fluff competitively at least. I will never get over Tzeentch deamons in the same army as Khorne deamons. Mixed chaos legions etc. It just wasn’t the same game to me. I struggled through 5th ed becuase even my competive forces got rocked becuase I was too much of one thing and not enough of another. 6th ed is a bigger change than that. Now there are allies. EVERYONE will be taking them (IMHO) and in the end they will change the fundamental name of the game. I have decided that I am going to jump into this allies thing whole hog for now and try it on for size. I no longer see the Dark Eldar and Eldar codex as different but I now play Eldar and get to pick units from both codex’s. Heck, going back 10-15 years this is even fluffy. Perhaps I am playing a corsair army. Mt army can now be lead by a farseer who has reached out to all of his brethren to stem this Monkiegh tide or my crafty Archon who has convinved his puritan brethren to join him on a raid. New combos are there to be explored. Cool modeling concepts there to be created (what does a Dark Eldar War walker look like?). Biggest of all from a playability stand point is that for ~300 points I get one of the bext psychic defenses in the game and some brutally effective front line casting powers. What happens when a warlock goes off the deep end and joins a corsair band. What brutality can his mastery of the warp portend for the other races of the galaxy. I am actually a little excited to find out.
I understand your frustration. 5th ed nearly led to me quitting the game. I am going to spend some time thinking and playing with the new allies and thinking of myself as an Eldar player and not one or the other and see where that leaves me.
Good luck. Loved your blog if you don’t make it back.
You won’t be missed.
Jog on arse piece. Pray we never cross paths.
You’re in a bit of a shock, and I don’t blame you. Our codex just went from being one of the cool up-to-date good ones to joining the likes of Tau and Sisters of Battle in a single go. Rules that don’t fit, options that don’t make sense, squads that are unable to do what they’re supposed to… we barely had time to enjoy being the cool kids and now it seems we’re being sent back to the forgotten shoebox in the closet for another 12 years?
For what it’s worth, I don’t think so. The FAQs GW put up are v. 1.0, a quick job just to keep things going. Pretty soon they’re going to start making a more careful pass over each codex, and by pretty soon I mean in their own good time, but hopefully before Christmas, and I’ll bet we get ours before those silly Tau. It would *not* shock me if they used the Dark Eldar FAQ as a test field for whatever they’re thinking of doing to the Craftworld Eldar when they start working on that. And then of course their shiny new codex will make us look second-rate, but what the hey.
Wow a whole lotta fanboyz here…
1st I only played 1 game so far but it was 2k…BA vs Orks…
Snap fire was not a big deal for my BA but it still managed to kill a few…Wyches would have gotten chewed up in a few engagements, especially if they using 6+ loincloth save…
Next, not having AP2 in CC is going to be a pain and SS-TH Termies are going to be everywhere in this edition…Buddy had 8 Meganobs and they chewed up a lot, but i got 2 SS-TH termies into them and ate them all but the boss…For DE where most of our vehicals should be bead by turn 2, there goes our AP2…
they just made drazhar useful, armor 2 and can use ap2 at his base I but that is just 1 model…
I had 2 Storm Ravens and he had 3 dakka jets…the SRs won that…Armor 12 flyer is huge…lance means nothing against fliers though…i can see void ravens being big, but squads of valks are gonna be an issue…
Overall I agree with sorrowshard…We need more faqs…are you telling me that Vect would come to a fight with a staff that cant kill marines? really?its the same deal as abadon, who cant kill termies…they need to come back and faq Characters IMO
Vect would have some kinda crazy doo dahd in his collection for just such an eventuality …
Doesn’t an Agonizer still wound on a 4+, regardless of toughness? Most MC will still have issues as most are sv3+.
yes so it’s still identical to a str 4 power weapon most of the time you ever use it , how much does a str 4 power weapon cost ? De literally mutilate MC’s before they will ever see combat, the agoniser was overpriced before now it’s laughable, everyone will take venomblades now. (I did anyway)
wow. 6th has had an impact then. Guys, its a game. Its not the be all and end all. The main thing i would have against gw at the minute is there prices, i can agree there and it is WAY to expensive for what it is, which is exactly my point, it is just a game. If anything, the new edition is just a breathe of fresh air from 5th which really wasn’t great. However, from a first look, it does seem Dark Eldar have been unfortunate if anything from the rules change, at least your DE List matt ;-p
I have a list with a mixture of elements , what I would refer to as a balanced list, myh archon got nerfed hard , my incubi go to the toilet for the rest of the edition, wyches are of limited use now as you are unlikely to get them into anything in one piece . fairly sure my skimmers are worse now but you cant not have them, you just get shot up even worse, if I had a shooting spam 5th edition army I’m sure it would still be fine…
Nice stuff on the bike test, that is awesome!
Investing in your bike is much better value than 40k generally (from a happiness perspective).
Be careful on the roads, there is a huge amount of cagers with no driving skills around, just waiting to do something stupid.
I think DE got hit really really hard with the new BRB. Not much we can do with the PoS faq other than maybe spam GWS with questions about fixing all the DE power weapons to AP2. (Not that it would fix the army).
yeah, the cagers are after me … I swear.
A set of top notch spark plugs cost me less than a gw boxed set , my shiny new grips cost less than a special character, I dont have to assemble and paint my fucking bike to be able to go out and enjoy it and Ill get nearly all my money back if/when I sell it on, I’m honestly happier throwing money at it than at GW, I htink the price of beasts was the last straw for me, I cant bear to sell the Requiem but it’s getting shelved for the forseeable until (IF) DE are playable again.
Currently xpamming DL and splinter is the only option and again skimmer saturation to get around fragility (sound familiar) sack of all CC elements and take more Reavers ….. does that sound fun to you ?
there is literally no way to explain the cost of a huskblade when you compare it side by side with ooh I dunno a warscythe (which you can have in every single unit in a cron army if you want) not to mention those fucking Challenge shackle scarabs (everyone was convinced the HB would be ap2)
So 2 games in. 2 wins with my dark eldar. Here are my observations:
1. Mising with Eldar is awesome! I took Eldrad out for as run to see how it went. He fills a HUGE gao in the DE army. Psychic defense? Yes Please! Terminators getting you down? Why don;t you cast misfortune on them and wathc all of those poison shots or non ap weapons wear them down.
2. Jet bikes are cool. I was running two sets of 9. I almost never slowed them down and just kept running them over things at 48″. When you can move that far your opponent has a real hard time actually catching them. 3+, 5+ FnP save to shooting is also really cool.
3. Our flyers now seem to be worth it. My flyers actually lived past the first turn. It was cool.
Now I will say in both of my games the ability to have an uber psyche sitting back buffing my units just a little each round really helps. I don;t think you need Eldrad even. Just a regular farseer with 4 powers, warding runes, and spirit stones will get you most of the way there. Want to model it? Model up a captured farseer being tortured into submission.
I would take your guys out for a spin before you give up on them. I think the game has fundamentally changed and Dark Eldar got enough of a peice that you might be ok.
Misfortune is one of my favourite powers in the BRB but unreliable. The fact that you have to roll for it means it can never be relied on. That said, the Primaris power for Divination is actually better than the Codex: Eldar Guide power (being able to target non Eldar, being 12″ rather than 6″ and able to be bought for 5 points less by subbing out Eldritch Storm).
I share your fears but have been preparing for them since I heard the PW = AP3 bullshit back when it was a rumour. To compensate: instead of an Archon or Succubus I’ll be running with Sliscus. Wyches are out which is hugely disappointing but Harlequins are in. Jetbikes might actually be worth a damn now. Voidravens are now actually worth the points being identical to Ravagers except Flyers now (so doubling up as AA and 2+ murderers). Hellions look even better on paper as well owing to their I10 hits.
Only thing that pisses me off with all these changes is the models I have to shunt away now: Ravagers, Wyches, Venoms to an extent. And screw GW if they think I’m going to fork out shit for overpriced ravens and Khymera. That’s what Chaos Hounds are for.
Drazhar, is one of the best HQs in the game now. He has preferred enemy in challenges, darting strike which allows him to dodge an overwatch the appear in the front of the squad to annihilate it. Not to mention Eternal Warrior and 2ups. He is the new vect, and boy is he strong. 6s ap 2 complete monster.
Also, Baron is really strong as well, the fact the Phantasm Launchers now act give stealth, which stacks with Barons stealth means you get 5 cover to Overwatches, and close range shots if happen to fail an assualt. With his dangerous terrain re roll you can hop from cover to cover, while in cover 20 hellions are practically impossible to deal with.
Sorrow, I’ve read your blog for quite awhile and I will miss your insights. As an old man I can share one tidbit of wisdom. No one likes change. The older you get, you simply learn to deal with it better. As a manager I spend at least half of my time simply doing change management with my team to keep productivity and moral up in our changing world.
I think you’ve already received the best advise. Take a break. You’ll either find something new to fill the void or you will come back after all the dust has settled and find a new happy path for your DE.
I actually welcomed the change Brian, the new basic rules make for a much better game IMO, I’m just not happy how my army came out in the rinse with the new rules/awful FAQ.
With GW’s track record DE are unlikely to be competitive in the new edition, not that I want to LOLwin (I’d play crons in that case…) but I do want an army that allows me to play at a certain level with anyone without being handicapped.
I’m going to take that advise to be honest, I’m sitting this one out to see what happens with the faq’s and see how the DE community feel after a few months with the system, if my initial intuition is correct you wont see many DE armies this time next year, not that there were a huge amount showing towards the end of 5th really.
Ouch, I just gave up on Eldar and Dark Eldar and since I didn’t want to play marines I bought some Crons.
Sure they are the ancient enemy of Eldar of all variants and if their fluff is to be believed they are going to be taking over the universe in the next week or two but they have a variety of unit types from infantry to jetbikes to MC’s, reasonable vehicles, cool models and GOOD TROOPS!
I still love the Eldar fluff but sometimes I think its time to cut your losses and try something different. I have a shit load of both Eldar and Dark Eldar models, some painted some not, if they get the love they deserve I can give them a go again.
Is it safe to come out?
Sheesh- god forbid yer not a GW fanboi and you say something negative about 40k.
They come out shootin.’
Did somebody really create a wordpress account and name it Fanboi…just to comment here?
Ride yer bike. Play Infinity…whatever.
If yer not feelin’ GW, fuck ’em- it’s your money.
For what its worth, 6th is dead to me…
Bendy farking bullets?!
It is as though GW secretly read my mind, found out everything I disliked about 5th and doubled it up for 6th. Maybe I’ll try Warpath v2.0
Dear Sorrowshard.
The problem is quite plain to me. You need to ally your Dark Eldar with a satsuma in order to confuse the opponent. Alternatively, you might consider fielding 3 Vulkan of the Salamanders models as opposed to the obligatory 2 which I field in all armies and game systems, (including ludo and snap).
Alternatively, you should do a wee, curly midnight jobby on an open copy of White Dwarf opened at the ‘ Standard Bearer’ article segment. This will allow you to summon Jervis Johnson. You can then wee in his mouth.
This will not fix your rules problem in any way.
Uncle Truth
(Also, your opinion is as valid as anybody else’s. If they don’t like it, then I imagine that they are at liberty to ignore it rather than criticize you. That is called trolling and is mean)
Dude, possibly the most entertaining response comment I have ever had on here.
Uncle truth rules !
That is all.