Instead of Pain-ting the rest of that prism I got caught up trying to sort out my Army list/s
This first one I am unlikely to use any time soon , Should be a solid reserves denial list ,8 tanks and 2 vypers @ 1750, plenty of ranged and close in AT a good dose of str 6 spam I would have liked a fourth scoring unit but cannot see a way of squeezing it in a falcon with DAVU would be good but I’m not prepared to drop the prisms, I will think on it …….. this is possibly the most competitive of the lists when used well , did this more as an exercise in list building.
Autarch + Melta with 5 Dragons in serpent with cat upgrade and TL cannons
Autarch+ Melta with 5 Dragons in serpent with cat upgrade and TL cannons
6 Dragons in serpent with cat upgrade and TL cannons
5 Avengers in a serpent with Tl Brightlance + cat upgrade
5 Avengers in a serpent with Tl Brightlance + cat upgrade
5 Avengers in a serpent with Tl Brightlance + cat upgrade
2 Vypers with Cat upgrade + scatter laser (wondering if a third prism is a better option….)
Prism + cannon
Prism + cannon
Up next is the List I will most likely run for tourney this year , I’ll have to do something else similar for the tourneys that do not allow special characters (boo his), on the plus side I wont see he’stan or Lysander or Ghaz either, Goody Gumdrops
This is still likely to get jiggled somewhat
Eldrad (as himself)
Yriel (As Q’Sandria or She’yriel Warlautarch of Ulthwe)
6 Dragons in serpent with Full Cannons
6 Dragons + Exarch with Crack (pipe) in serpent with full cannons
6 Dragons + Exarch with Crack in serpent with full cannons
9 Avengers + Exarch + 2xcats+ bladestorm in serpent + full cannons
9 Avengers + Exarch + 2xcats+ bladestorm in serpent + full cannons
And Finally My fluffy theme Army , a bit of a nod to the Ulthwe strike force , I Love Reapers (even if they do suck the fat one atm)
Ra (Sir)
Stormies +2xFlamer + Warlock+Destructor in Shuriserpent
Davu squad in TL BL + cannon serpent
Davu squad in TL BL + cannon serpent
7 Dragons in Shuriserpent
6 Dragons in Shuriserpent (Eldrad goes here@ 1750)
5 Reapers with Exarch +Tempest + crack
Prism + cannon
Prism + Cannon
Also @ 2k by dropping the Shuricannons on the Prism’s and the odd Dragon I can Fit in
5 Warlocks 3x Destructor 1x Enhance 1x Embolden in a Shuriserpent
I actually quite like this list, its going to be fun trying to win with it and coming up with creative ways of getting the most out of Ra/ the Reapers.
Procrastinating over, back to the grind………. after a whiskey (It IS friday night ?)
Well decided to throw some paint at the prism while I drank me pop, here it is with some flat colours on it, bear with me on the canopies, i have something cooking for that……
The 1st list looks and feels far more competative than your 2nd list as im a big fan of 5 man DA squads. 3rd list looks fun to play against in thats its competative but not stupid OTT.
The second list is somewhere between the two ,It's more realistic for me to get it painted in time , plus I like having some characters so I can actually paint something nice.Yriel is sweet in that list as he gives me a 'free' dead enemy unit if used right , doom+ yriel bomb = win also allows the second army to be quite reliable for reserves denial.there are plenty of nice Eldrad combo's in there too , the top list is the harshest but also the least fun to play with, Even though the strikeforce list is designed to get the most out of its components It is handicapped.So the second list or variant of it is getting used , factors other than competitiveness are involved in that choice.
Mabye replace the vipers with a night spinner? I love the viper model (I've got a full squad), but they never make up their points in firepower/survivability. For the cost of a scatter/cannon viper you could have a scatter/scatter walker with 10 points left over. fast skimmer vs walker + outflank + more shots with more range + not open-topped. But if you're going for an all fast mech theme, vipers do fit better.
I've come to like vypers again, they just need a bit of finesse. However, I have been seeing a lot of lists lately with both the cannon upgrade and the scatter. I've never been happy with this build, and I either go with just the scatter or have two cannons. The mix of ranges changes their tactical role to me. I'd rather put that 10 points somewhere else (even another vyper if possible) and have 12 more for positioning.And, having scatters in one pair of vypers and dualcannons in another can be used to distract your opponent's target priority… but they cost the same.