Well the Asshattery at Warseer has reached new heights of Mothering. The hitler Clones are hard at work saving the world from intelligent quality content. Wankers, ahh thats better Its my blog And Ill write what I like (to a degree)
For your entertainment I give you transcript of Emails from their mod team SS death squad.
Frankly I had had enough got warning points before for something inconsequential , this IS a bit rich, so I spat them a response……
Well , the whole thing is just comedy , Its not like I go there for anything but Rumors these days , Irisado has famously shut down anything Intelligent in the Eldar Tactica and the DE one is lame , apparently this is happening with some frequency now , almost like someone is running Whinequeer like a business ……..
Im hoping for a juicy response from Twat-tauri, keep your eyes peeled for updates ;o)
Edit: Tah Daah !!
I fight for the users !!
oh and something in keeping with this posts theme to amuse you.
Sorry Chaps lost your comments in a change-related issue , feel fre to pipe up once more ;o)
I like this.
Seig Heil!
Sorry, couldn’t help myself.
Not fond of the changes mate, but if your happy then go for it.
Can’t say im surprised with the Warseer situation, they can be a bit ott over there.
When do we see some more painting? Tactics are all well and good but for fucks sake, go pick up a brush.
You noticed the procrastination too ? sorry just can’t seem to make myself do it :o(
Could you be a bit more specific about the changes ? further tweaking and ironing out is planned so feedback is good.
I’ll start on another serpent tomorrow , promise ;o)
Aw man, sorry to hear this. Honestly, I wish I could say I was suprised by their actions, but given the current trend of ridiculous policing they seem to do…
Even the Eldar 5th Ed tactica thread you’ve contributed to is locked as Von / Irisado had their differences. Issuing a ban threat for an obvious humourous remark is just plain stupid. Warseer has sunk to new lows.
Hey Igradar
yeah, new lows indeed, I have expressed my extreme displeasure.
Don’t worry anyway, that thread was useless, anyone and everyone is welcome to come discuss eldar tactics here in an enlightened and adult environment. I Imagine Von was only trying to do what I do and share information/knowledge, Irisado makes that very hard and frustrating to do, everyone looses. To be honest I feel blogging is a much better platform to share and discuss my experiences and thoughts. But I’ll welcome any other Eldar players looking for a sounding board or just a place to bounce ideas.
I really love Eldar, this blog is for everyone with that same passion. If it helps even a handful of people to get on with and enjoy their space Elves Ill be happy.
Warseer is full of stupid.
News at 10.
funny they keep all the trolls and ban members who contribute humour and great painting posts.
There are other great forums in the net, you wont miss warseer.