Edit: here’s a better one now, first was a bit poop.
Ok I’ll admit it , the rubbishy pre published phantom rules really effected me , I have been dealing with ineffectual over priced Eldar ‘technological superiority’ for too long and I simply had to do this to feel better. Im going to send it in to FW in the hopes it at very least gives them some ideas. I simply won’t buy something no matter if it is staggeringly ball achingly beautiful. if its going to result in me being brutally repeto stabbed in the heart/wallet over and over the few times I get an opportunity to get it out on a table.
Y know I’m tempted to ‘fix’ the Specters and Warp hunter too , I quite enjoyed the process of thinking this through and setting it out , hmmm
Aaarg , just realised I missed the fething notes for the warp rift mode , Its just like a sonic lance except it’s ‘D’ and ignores voids as usual , the ‘standard’ shot is supposed to do D3 hits (which you roll on the table for) similar to the old titan killer rules ….feck *facepalmfacepalmfacepalm
Now this I very much like. The leaked FW rules make my cry, and mean I’m spending the money I saved up for a phantom will get spent on more DE when FW comes around to making those.
However, I think you forgot to make the Warp Cannon blast?
Im not feeling the AP 1 on the AA mount gun id have it as 3 but otherwise it looks good to me. I also feel they have recived enough feedback to be aware the rules are a bit pants and in fact as they had at the open day in my opinion fixed the warp hunter already by making it a large blast for 30 extra points which i wanted to see all along.
Also in my Apoc group we are more than happy to just re write/modify rules in our Apoc games to make them work better so even if they fuck up the Phantom im sure most people will accept a few minor tweeks so its actualy scary/usefull (within reason of course)
30 extra points to make it as good as it should have been anyway is terrible…. The missiles represent a cloud of self guided high velocity penetrating mini missiles they actually explode inside the target aircraft to cause max damage, think eldar torps in gothic only mini, wanted to set it apart from hydras etc
Ahh Thats much better , I kinda agreed on the ap 1 in the end , thought it would be cooler to EMP flyers to death , lol
Now THIS I hope FW would consider , though I think a fat chunk of playtesting is in order.
Bleh I know they have had feedback , but I’m still gonna send it , maybe one of my ideas might make it in (assuming anyone reads the big ranty emails that go to FW)
I kind of like them, but to playtest them is quite difficult when you think about how long a game involving them would take.
Did voice my concerns about the general Eldar rules thing at a bunch of GW suits who came and watched the games I played yesterday and asked me lots of Qs about the army.
AFAIK They ‘take into account’ the emails that they get from people moaning at them, people are thanked at the start of IA books for having made suggestions to beta rules.
You lucky bastard, I would give my left ball for the opportunity to sound out some interested gw execs, you were at wh world ?
Well new rules are up for the Phantom and i must say i like them, it had the right durability for its size and will cripple/destroy a Reaver titan in a turn, they also fixed your AA gun. All in all id be happy if this was the final draft it would make me want to play with one if i had one.
Yeah I was…. It was good fun, esp when I explained that the only reason I took mechdar was because foot sucked and the design flaws in assuming everything has fortune and doom. Did do some namedropping too….
The experimental rules seem to suggest to me that they took your opinion into account… 🙂 A lot better than what’ve been rumoured.
I sent through my sheet last night with a fairly comprehensive explanation for my design choices. Seems entirely possible someone does read the emails, no response mind… I like the new rules better (mostly as it’s like mine ) I still think it could stay as av 12 with serpent shields, the AA gun is still worse than a hydra , ffs !! and a 4 shot krak missile is a bit lame for apocalypse scale , tell me a squad of long fangs puts out more weight of fire than that shoulder launcher ?!
Oh yeah , who’s name ? better not be me , my language seems to be non – compatible with GW execs. lol. I actually have a work in progress ‘fix the eldar” dex , maybe I’ll finish it off and pass it on ;o)
You forgot the rule that lets the big Darbot transmorph into a Bugatti Veyron.
bleh , this one turns into a MP4-12c