Yup , First squad is done, good stuff and the scheme is nailed down for the rest of the army now.
Incidentally my trueborn have been complete and total suckfail for several weeks now, I either cant hit/wound/penetrate/roll above to 2 on the chart at all, both squads completely fail at anything I ask of them, this week it’s taken 28 lance shots to bring down a Vendetta , 18 to bring down a single killa can, the list goes on, my inability to hurt armour at all is giving me stress headaches in games, I really don’t know what to do, I know DE AT aint the greatest (actually I think it is pitifully weak) but I’m struggling to kill even av 10 open topped stuff, I’m starting to despair. I go to great lenghts to catch things out of cover, in side/rear armour, I stack the odds in my favour as much as I can :o(, the current list is not OTT but I have around 20 lance weapons and 4 heat lances, my bloody hellions and Incubi end up having to kill tanks half the time …..
I got to turn 5/6 tonight vs orks and had only killed a wartruck , immobilized another and destroyed one killer kan (In a fething squadron) I had shot multiple lances at vehicles every single turn to little or no effect, its been crushing and relentless and is just flat spoiling the game for me at the moment, there are alot of vehicles around these days and struggling to kill even the lightest stuff makes games very very hard for DE, game after game after game.
Squad can be used three ways, all seven together , 3-4 blasters and 2 lances + Sgt.
Their venoms are incoming as are some razorwings which is a blessing as my Ravagers have also been FUCKING CRAP recently *sigh*
And I just realized I have forgotten to do the OSL on the Drakon’s face …… bollocks! O’ll sort it tomorrow :o/
That is a very beautiful paint job you have done there. BIG congrats!
So freaking nice!!
Best looking Dark Eldar out there, hands down. Everyone does some bloody bright or messy paintjob. You’ve captured them perfectly. Can’t wait to see how you do vehicles.
These are awesome mate. I particularly like the reflecting effect on the helmets. Not sure what you are trying to do with the bases but they look very interesting.
Very impressive once again and im gonna have to agree that these are the best painted DE ive seen to date. Ill try all infantry Orks if you want at somepoint so you wont have to worry about my vehicles.
Nooo, leave the damn vehicles in, if my poxy fething darklight can.t cope with ork vehicles I’m doubly screwed against anyone else,lol Just have to play through the pain I suppose, it’l have to even out…..right…..right guys ? Hey everyone thanks for the high praise, lol if I cant kill any tanks at least im in with a shot at best army, lol
Those trueborn are great. Makes me want to scrap my current army and copy your paint scheme. Great looking models.
I feel your pain on getting rid of vehicles. I have had the same problems. My wyches end up haywire grenading most vehicles, while my ravagers and reavers stun all day long.
Though i read your rants with great pleasure, this is the reason i follow you on your blog; the painting. Those Trueborn look prety sweet and i can’t wait to see how your colourscheme translates to the Raiders and Venoms etc.
I hope the positive feedback inspires/motivates you to pick up the pase and paint some more great models.
Great paintjob, wish I could paint with such speed)
Currently I’m struggling to paint/assemble my first Raider – oh, somebody’s having a lot of pain tokens from me when I’m trying to glue fething pieces of this vile contraption together!
Anyway, fail lances are not so bad, I think it’s just unluck on dice rolls you suffering, it’s not permanent fail, I assure you.
No thats true enough, sometimes the first shot of the game detonates something, mine just miss/glance ….LOTS atm, though I hit a rough patch like this when I first picked up the DE, Lol, I think you are the first person to ever say I paint fast, technically this squad took six months….. I managed to assemble 5 raiders 2 ravagers a squad of incubi and 2 squads of warriors in one weekend, just go at it hammer and tongs, get it done let nothing distract you…
For poor dice rolling beat this adventure I recently had on Vassal:
Not edited at all – we were chatting on skype.
rolls 2 dice, 3+ to hit, 2+ to wound…
* 0 out of 2 dice hit (3+) = (1,1)
* Amounting to 0 wounds.
rolls 1 dice, 3+ to hit, 2+ to wound…
* 1 out of 1 dice hit (3+) = (3)
* 1 out of 1 dice wound (2+) = (2)
* Amounting to 1 wound.
* rolls a D6 = 5
rolls 1 dice, 3+ to hit, Strength 8 against Armour 12…
* 0 out of 1 dice hit (3+) = (2)
rolls 1 dice, 3+ to hit, Strength 8 against Armour 12…
* 0 out of 1 dice hit (3+) = (1)
rolls 2 dice, 3+ to hit, Strength 8 against Armour 10…
* 0 out of 2 dice hit (3+) = (2,2)
rolls 1 dice, 2+ to hit, Strength 8 against Armour 10…
* 1 out of 1 dice hit (2+) = (2)
* 1 die penetrates (3+) = (4)
rolls on the vehicle damage chart, glancing, open-topped…
* (4) + -1 = (3) = Damage result: Damage – Weapon Destroyed
…needless to say. Lol.
Looks disturbingly familiar …. Vassal can sometimes feel like several hours of highly skilled and creative torture, the andriod dice app on my phone seems to mimic real dice much better, after a few games me and one of my regular opponents were making fairly accurate predictions of what the next rolls would be, lol
Absolutely inspirational. I’m glad I stumbled upon your blog. It’s getting special notice today, I have to spread the love on these models.
that all you really need for most minor illnesses is rest, plenty of fluids, and judicious use of fever redruecs. Anything else is likely to be unhelpful at best, and harmful at worst. One should be
REALLY nice job on these. very impressive.
oh, and if your google connect widget was working, you’d probarbly pick up a few more followers 🙂
No idea what’s wrong with it is all tastytaste/word press’ fault, plus I quite like being a quiet little blog for Eldar connoisseurs, I figured the people who were really interested in Eldar and DE would find their way here in the end.
Cheers for the kind words, jsut hoping lelith does not sidelined by these guys ..
Your eldar sir are pro. Utterly amazing paint job.
Fantastic looking unit – easily my favourite scheme that I’ve seen for DE.
I’m new to your blog and am wondering, will you post (or is it anywhere already), how you painted them and what colours were used? It looks to me like some TMM work on the metals and lighting effects on the armour. Was an airbrush used at all?
Any help would be appreciated as I’d like to add the skill sets you’ve used here to my own. I know a lot of work goes into taking pics and doing stage by stage painting tutorials (have done a few myself) and if it helps, I’d be willing to pay for something like that.
Cheers man – and keep up the great work!
Hi Christian,
Thanks for the Kind words, I currently have no plans to do a full Tut , I have done a write up of sorts here: http://thedarkcity.forummotion.com/t253-the-invidious-requiem-kabal
No , no airbrush, I can’t really be assed with the start up cost and taking ages to learn a new skill, I’m not about mass producing models anyway.
I’m not sure when a full tutorial is likely, the only way it would get done anytime soon is if I was getting paid full time to blog/write. as it is It drains alot of spare time and energy to keep anywhere near a regular posting schedule, any other spare time in theory goes on painting …. though flat out for me is one unit every other week, two things a month is what I seem to manage without hitting burnout, I did a large chunk of my mechdar last year in maybe a 2 month window, subsequently it took me months to feel like painting again.
Thanks for the link! I’ve been through the mini tutorial you put up and I think I can mostly grasp what you did – the challenge would be to figure out what sections of the models were worked up with metallics and which with the OSL blue/green and/or red effect.
I’m in the middle of a WFB paint blog myself here: http://www.pointhammered.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=110&start=0
I know how long and arduous it is, taking pics after every couple layers of paint.
BUt if you do find the time, I’d be greatly interested in getting more details on how it was done. If you want you can toss me an email to the addy I left in my last post – be happy to send some $ to support the blod on that end.
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Rebellious Vaonila,"Nlw, in truth, they are are Nazis. They support the welfare state so they are socialists. And they are pro-Swede and hence nationalists. Nazism is nationalist socialism. :P"RV, watch your words. You meant this as a joke, but I think Andy was looking for a sincere answer. What if he thinks that is what you have given him? You can't assume he shares your view point: It is not at all obvious to most people that ethnic nationalism is very different from Nazism.