Apparently being off work is conducive to getting things done…
Well today we have my court of the Archon, I have done my best to get the models as varied as possible, different heads for the Medusa’s and Ur Ghuls, one of which I have re posed using hot water (possibly the only thing I like about finecrap) not one model was without some kind of casting issue but I have got the best models that could be found and will just have to GS up the stuff I could not clear up.
The Sslyth have part swaps from Wyches/Scourges/Warriors and a little heat treat here and there.
looks like someone had an ‘accident’
In game I think the squad may have been overlooked, the one time I have used the court so far the medusa eyebeams completely wiped an entire untouched tac squad leaving me with nothing to assault, if you add up the potential of the shooting coupled with a charge they can put a dent in most things.
These complete the set with the Tanta-less
In other pictures a WIP sneak peak for you all, I’m hoping to enter this in the FW open day painting competition.
It’s going very quickly so far I may well finish tomorrow.
And what post would be complete without a topical rant ? (How I lolled)
Ok, who do I hafta kill to ensure you’ll win that painting competition?
Cuz I’ll do it.
Heh, cheers buddy, hopefully theres no need to break out the death ray…
incredible work both on the converting and painting front, love it!
Nice stuff!
Loving that Shadow Spectre!
Be interested to see how you go with that Retinue over the long term, I think they would have more merit if the Slythh were not so over priced.
How was the quality of the Spectre? Do you think you could convert the weapons easily?
Well I had not realized that the Sslyth have Fnp, in fact most of the court does, or can get it, you do get quite a bit for your points, 2 t5 wounds with fnp, lots of str5 attacks and a three shot poison weapon.
I have finished my DE 5th update just need to produce a document ;o)
Care to playtest it/ have a look over for me when it is done ?
Specter was lovely, pita to clean up but compared to finecrap it was good , swap the weapons ? why ? count-as scourges ?
I’m working on my converted Eldar army that plays using BA rules.
Its pretty much all converted: scorpions with wings, two libs (Seers), two shooty HG units, and two dev squads (warspiders with weapons converted).
52 models at 1750 points, and just a fun army, but I need something to represent the HG, which will have 4 PlasmaG/2MG and I could use FD’s, but the Spectres are just amazing models, already have jump/jet packs and are actually cheaper than buying a squad + wings to do the job. Their weapons could probably represent an eldar combi-melta/plasma though as long as I show which HG have ‘two’ weapons, and which have just the plasma.
Its a bit of a display piece or will be when done, although my painting isn’t anywhere near your standard.
I’d be happy to give it a try, I don’t think any of my friends would mind either. Most don’t play mech though, being more into foot armies, and ironically they have all switched to xenos armies recently. But might still be able to provide some feedback 😛