I've recently made some changes to my painting and hobby area. I'll admit, I'm quite fortunate...I am able to dedicate a complete room to building and painting stuff. So, I've taken advantage of the situation, and have laid out the space in the following way.

Under the window is the main painting area. Airbrush station on the left, and brush painting area on the right. I have a computer handy to listen to podcasts or watch painting YouTube videos while working on projects.

The shelving on the left side of the room contains WIP projects (there is a pile of primed Tabletop World buildings, for instance) and the "bins of shame." The bins contain projects that I've started into, but haven't finished. However, whenever I get an itch to get back into one of these old projects, I have quick access to them.

On the right side of the room I've recently set up a couple of shelves for paint racks. For the past couple of years, I've had my paints stored in a stack of plastic bins. But finding the paint I wanted was always a chore...now that all the colours are out and arranged by hue, getting to the set I need for a particular project is a lot faster.

The racks are from Back 2 Base-ix, an organization down in Australia. They come flat-packed, but are pretty fast to assemble...recommended.

And now on to this week's painting projects. Three figures completed. The first two are a couple of Reaper flying lizard men.

I had completed a test figure last month, and just followed suit on the scheme with these guys.

Here are all three of them together.

I've also had this lone RPG elf wizard figure sitting around for some time. He was half-painted and waiting to be finished off.

 Object Source Lighting effort was not great, but gets the idea across.

Well, the airbrush is calling, so back to it.

'Til next time.