Another terrain peice, as every Cuidad Imperiale needs a bit of impressive monumental architecture.  Paris has the Champs Elissay.  Washington DC has the Jefferson Memorial.  Xyphonica has this, the Monument a l'elephant et a l'aigle.  It's designed to have enough flat space for minis to make their impassable terrain or jump infantry moves and perch above the battlefield.


I printed out an Imperail Aqilla, stuck it on a sheet of foam board and cut out the shape and stuck it on another sheet of foam board using another printed Aqilla to position the bits correctly.  And of course, this is big enough for titan sized models to hide behind, should they find their sheilds are being stripped by other super heavies.

The elephants are cheap ornaments, the statues are 1980s Mangil Manhides Mercenary Marauders, some LOTR ones, some more greek themed resin ones from a KS and one Primaris and a Stormcast Eternal, as well as bronze avengers guarding the corners. 

Imperial Guard officer (Capt Pasquale from the Cadian 124th) for scale.