o/Notta whole lot of progress on the hobby front this week aside from priming a bucket load of minis which is anything but exciting. I had intended on posting a Kill Team battle report, however whilst Da Long Ways Dezert Groop is capable of slogging for 20...

The Primaris marines have landed!

Yay?Leading from the frontis only for the obsoletespace marines!As I've stated previously, I like the basic Primaris marine minis and I'm making another (perhaps futile?) attempt to try and like 8th ed. Thus I picked up a Lieutenant along with a cheap squad of seven...

SCHULTZ! is joinin’ da Kommandos!

o/SCHULTZ! has commanded Da Eleet Grot Mountin' Duvishun ever since he lead the charge in which my grots earned that title. That game, way back when, was a Kill Point battle vs. the nids. After some outflanking genestealers obliterated my Killa Kans, da grots...

Mad Max anyone?

o/Around the first of this month, another over-due kickstarter finally bore fruit and delivered its promised miniature. I still find it funny when I go to the Kickstarter website, it tells me I still need to complete my survey for this mini. That and I got a shipment...


Seriously what the hell? I opted to try Neverness' approach and took these finishedphotos outside in natural light.Oh, I know I said. I'll put aquilas on 3 sides, and then paint the feathers in a rainbow of colors! Sure. Sounds great. Unlike the marine's...