++ A Little Fun Dance… ++

... To make up for all the crazyness thats been going on lately. I live in Colorado so this whole Batman shooting thing is a bit vivd for me. Even though I was not in Aurora it's only like 30 mins from here, and my roommate's mom even called to make sure he didn't get...

++ VI-ed Forgeworld Updates ++

Hello Buddys,So having just received my Gamers Edition from GW (about five days after launch...) and just now getting a chance to dive in I can not really speak to any of the changes from the last edition yet. I do plan on having a...

++ Boom Goes the Dynamite! VI-ed beans are spilt ++

 ALright Buddys here it is:VI-ed in all its glory... Not too sure about the templates or tape measure but A for effort GWOnce again the 'gamer's edition' seems to have my name on itThe only pic of the phsic cards is in spanish, but you get the idea...Well...